Currently, Priebus is measuring the success of 2012 by campaigning with the nation's Debt Ceiling. He is claiming Obama will not win Pennsylvania. All this while a national debt ceiling bill hangs in the balance?
I guess precious money is more important than governing.
...For example, like most in his party, Priebus repeatedly parrots the attack on President Obama’s efforts to save America from the very real possibility of a second Great Depression and turn huge monthly job losses into gains — albeit more modest gains than any of us would like to see. The fact remains, we are no longer losing jobs at the rate of 750,000 per month, as we were when Obama took office.
During a June debate on “Meet the Press,” Priebus claimed that the unemployment level today “rivals the Great Depression” — a claim that Politifact rated as “false,” noting the RNC was unable to supply a single statistic in support of Priebus’s assertion. The Washington Post said Priebus had gone “too far” and awarded him “two Pinocchios.”...
The drama on Capital Hill is driven by money, political PAC money. It isn't about the country. The stranger the candidate is these days the more strongly right wing contributors believe in them because people can better identify with the, especially the cul-de-sac crowd and will be a wedge issue all themselves. The clearer the candidate is on their opposition to democracy and the well being of a nation of people, the focused they are on money, the better for Republican extremist contributors. They like people to know where they stand so they can't be swayed by reason.
Jul. 15 2011
11:58 am
Billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch (click here) have made their first donation to a 2o12 presidential candidate, according to reports made public by the Federal Election Commission today. The prolific right-wing donors — America’s richest brothers — have made two donations to committees linked to controversial Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

Above the caption reads: Boehner and Pals Koch Brothers (AP Photo/Kathy Willens) (click here)
Voters are either with them and clearly with them or against them.