This is not the first time she intervened with Trump Company buildings. When a Florida tower was going badly and no one would touch it because the building would sink in the sand, it was Ivanka that tried to talk to another building to pick-up the Florida project.
2014! 2014! 2014! This was not news to anyone running for office for the 2016 election and yet Trump goes on live television and asked Russia to invade any place in the USA where 30,000 Clinton emails could be found.
...In addition, the United States has imposed sanctions on Russia in response to human rights abuses, election interference and cyberattacks, weapons proliferation, illicit trade with North Korea, support to Syria, and use of a chemical weapon...
Everyone knew these sanctions were in place because Russia is a BAD ACTOR. And, today, Barr wants to exonerate Trump with a cover-up of the Mueller Report.
June 15, 2015. June 15, 2015. June 15, 2015. June 15, 2015 is the day Trump announced his campaign for president.
Enough of this. A man running for president not only ignored all the sanctions levied against Russia, but he also solicited Russia to look for emails. That is called CYBERATTACKS OR CYBER WARFARE. Enough of this charade.
...Goldstone (click here) also said Donald Trump Jr.—currently under fire for agreeing to meet with a Kremlin-connected lawyer for dirt on Hillary Clinton during his father’s campaign—was spearheading his father’s real-estate efforts in Moscow. The new details come as it was revealed that the younger Trump met with the Russian lawyer at the behest of Agalarov’s son Emin, a pop singer. The Agalarovs, who are also tied to Russian President Vladimir Putin, were reportedly the driving force behind Trump Jr.’s meeting with the Russian lawyer....
27 March 2019
By Bob Brigham
Ivanka had articles written about her during Trump's campaign because she was able to handle her father. She was very involved in the campaign, evidently, while she was assisting with a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Trump family biographer (click here) and Vanity Fair national correspondent Emily Jane Fox published an explosive report on Michael Cohen Wednesday.
Cohen was convicted of lying to Congress in his testimony over President Donald Trump, the Trump Organization and the Trump Tower Moscow deal. Fox is well-known for getting Cohen to reveal significant details of his ongoing case.
According to documents reviewed by Fox, prior to Cohen’s first testimony when he lied to Congress, Ivanka’s attorney Abbe Lowell sought Cohen to include testimony that he has since said is false.
“[Ivanka] was not involved in the backs and forths with [Felix Sater] and [Michael Cohen],” was one suggested edit to the prepared testimony.
“She was not in any meetings or calls with people putting it together (esp. from that country),” was an additionally suggested edit.
In subsequent testimony, Cohen testified he briefed Ivanka Trump “approximately 10” times on the Russian real estate deal....
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
I want to hear Steven Moore explain derivatives and their role in the 2008 global economic collapse.
Any job in economics requires a working knowledge of differential calculus. From the looks of things he can't even read a tax table.
His dispute with the IRS is since 2014. I can't imagine anyone with outstanding tax debt and able to pay it allowing interest to build up for five years. I think this is something that should worry responsible people at the Fed.
27 March 2019
By Jon Swaine
Stephen Moore, (click here) the conservative economics commentator chosen by Donald Trump for a seat on the Federal Reserve board, is being pursued by the US government for $75,000 in taxes that it alleges he owes.
A claim for the debt was filed against Moore by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in January last year at the circuit court in Montgomery county, Maryland, where Moore has a home....
His dispute with the IRS is since 2014. I can't imagine anyone with outstanding tax debt and able to pay it allowing interest to build up for five years. I think this is something that should worry responsible people at the Fed.
27 March 2019
By Jon Swaine
Stephen Moore, (click here) the conservative economics commentator chosen by Donald Trump for a seat on the Federal Reserve board, is being pursued by the US government for $75,000 in taxes that it alleges he owes.
A claim for the debt was filed against Moore by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in January last year at the circuit court in Montgomery county, Maryland, where Moore has a home....
Trump is going to crash American health care. A lawsuit that closes down the Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act will leave health care providers in the breach.
It is not the way to govern. The Republicans had two years to full fill Trump campaign promises. The 2018 election resulted in a Democratic majority in the US House with a desire to resolve the problems and issues Americans face today. So, in order to appear to be in charge of the country, Trump reached into his second string of options and pulled out a lawsuit that would crash the American health care system.
This is not the way to govern the USA. The Republicans could not provide an alternative to the ACA for two years. This attempt to slam dunk the issue is irresponsible. It just is.
It is not the way to govern. The Republicans had two years to full fill Trump campaign promises. The 2018 election resulted in a Democratic majority in the US House with a desire to resolve the problems and issues Americans face today. So, in order to appear to be in charge of the country, Trump reached into his second string of options and pulled out a lawsuit that would crash the American health care system.
This is not the way to govern the USA. The Republicans could not provide an alternative to the ACA for two years. This attempt to slam dunk the issue is irresponsible. It just is.
Oh, yeah.
What's his name???.....Oh, yeah, Barr. His OPINION about the definition of obstruction is not widely accepted. Lawyers, no matter who they are cannot simply drum up a heady definition when applying the law.
In a way, Barr is the epitome of the Defense Attorney. He is so Trumpy, no one should stand for it.
Basically, Trump replaced Cohen with Barr.
Perhaps the Deutsche Bank records should be made public to explain to the American people what a "pass through" is and how it opens the USA up to danger. I am not so sure Deutsche Bank should be doing business with the USA with such financial instruments.
Russia should be living with the Ruble and not laundered western currency.
No, I didn't see the Mueller Report. Isn't it obvious what is in the report though? The Mueller Report needs to go to Congress ASAP because it is a national security issue, including elections.
In a way, Barr is the epitome of the Defense Attorney. He is so Trumpy, no one should stand for it.
Basically, Trump replaced Cohen with Barr.
Perhaps the Deutsche Bank records should be made public to explain to the American people what a "pass through" is and how it opens the USA up to danger. I am not so sure Deutsche Bank should be doing business with the USA with such financial instruments.
Russia should be living with the Ruble and not laundered western currency.
No, I didn't see the Mueller Report. Isn't it obvious what is in the report though? The Mueller Report needs to go to Congress ASAP because it is a national security issue, including elections.
You can choose your friends, but, you can't choose your family.
Russia recently held a summit without the leaders of Afghanistan. It should be no surprise Nazarbaev has resigned his presidency. Putin is encouraging a new and friendly face for Kazakhstan.
Hello? No one should be surprised Trump wants the USA troops out of the region. I dislike war as much as anyone. But, it is also good to note when the USA's best interests are worrisome.
Trump will cower to Russia every time. He must have a yellow streak down his back to envy a highway. Vladimir must have an incredible wet kiss. It's obvious, right? Otherwise, why would Trump's pandering to Russia be so easy to detect. Panic. Trump panics when Russia is involved.
Congress needs to do something about the guy. Russia is parking military weaponry, including nuclear capacity, in the Western Hemisphere with impunity. Trump is already ignoring Congress, too. There are reports long overdue and Trump does nothing to enforce the deadlines.
March 26, 2019
Hello? No one should be surprised Trump wants the USA troops out of the region. I dislike war as much as anyone. But, it is also good to note when the USA's best interests are worrisome.
Trump will cower to Russia every time. He must have a yellow streak down his back to envy a highway. Vladimir must have an incredible wet kiss. It's obvious, right? Otherwise, why would Trump's pandering to Russia be so easy to detect. Panic. Trump panics when Russia is involved.
Congress needs to do something about the guy. Russia is parking military weaponry, including nuclear capacity, in the Western Hemisphere with impunity. Trump is already ignoring Congress, too. There are reports long overdue and Trump does nothing to enforce the deadlines.

By Pete Baumgartner
2012 - With the withdrawal (click here) of international forces from Afghanistan by 2014, role of the regional countries should increase in Afghanistan, particularly Kazakhstan’s potential economic and spiritual support is very important for Afghanistan.
The major economic strides (click here) made by energy-rich Kazakhstan during President Nursultan Nazarbaev's nearly 30-year reign often overshadow reports chronicling an undemocratic, repressive tenure punctuated by jailings and the suspicious deaths of opposition leaders, activists, and journalists.
In power since the 1980s, Nazarbaev surprised many Kazakhs and outside observers on March 19 when he announced an abrupt end to his presidency.
The one-time steelworker and former Communist Party apparatchik leaves behind a legacy of economic progress striped with despotic rule that squelched democratic norms, shuttered independent media outlets, and suppressed protests or virtually any hint of opposition to his government.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) says in a recent report that the Kazakh government "heavily restricts" freedom of assembly, speech, and religion, while democracy watchdog Freedom House calls Kazakhstan a "consolidated authoritarian regime." Its annual reports conclude that the country has become less democratic and more repressive over the past decade.
Reporters Without Borders ranked Kazakhstan 158th out of 180 countries worldwide in press freedom in 2018, while the religious-freedom watchdogForum 18 says Kazakhstan "restricts freedom of religion and belief." The Oslo-based organization said it has recorded "increasing numbers" of people jailed for their religious beliefs.
Nazarbaev's presidency was marked by numerous suspicious deaths -- many of them unsolved -- of journalists, activists, protesters, businessmen, and politicians, as well as others who were detained or imprisoned, often on what rights activists describe as trumped-up, politically motivated charges....
2012 - With the withdrawal (click here) of international forces from Afghanistan by 2014, role of the regional countries should increase in Afghanistan, particularly Kazakhstan’s potential economic and spiritual support is very important for Afghanistan.
The major economic strides (click here) made by energy-rich Kazakhstan during President Nursultan Nazarbaev's nearly 30-year reign often overshadow reports chronicling an undemocratic, repressive tenure punctuated by jailings and the suspicious deaths of opposition leaders, activists, and journalists.
In power since the 1980s, Nazarbaev surprised many Kazakhs and outside observers on March 19 when he announced an abrupt end to his presidency.
The one-time steelworker and former Communist Party apparatchik leaves behind a legacy of economic progress striped with despotic rule that squelched democratic norms, shuttered independent media outlets, and suppressed protests or virtually any hint of opposition to his government.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) says in a recent report that the Kazakh government "heavily restricts" freedom of assembly, speech, and religion, while democracy watchdog Freedom House calls Kazakhstan a "consolidated authoritarian regime." Its annual reports conclude that the country has become less democratic and more repressive over the past decade.
Reporters Without Borders ranked Kazakhstan 158th out of 180 countries worldwide in press freedom in 2018, while the religious-freedom watchdogForum 18 says Kazakhstan "restricts freedom of religion and belief." The Oslo-based organization said it has recorded "increasing numbers" of people jailed for their religious beliefs.
Nazarbaev's presidency was marked by numerous suspicious deaths -- many of them unsolved -- of journalists, activists, protesters, businessmen, and politicians, as well as others who were detained or imprisoned, often on what rights activists describe as trumped-up, politically motivated charges....
While the DOJ reviews the Mueller Report for felony and misdemeanor content from a copy of the report, the original along with supporting documents should have immediately been sent to Congress. The delay of Congressional review by the DOJ is egregious and completely inappropriate. It is unconstitutional.
The Justice Department is supposed to uphold the law, including the responsibilities of the Congress, not break them.
There is every reason to believe, what's his name....Barr, is playing politics to favor Trump with the withholding of the Mueller Report. Legislation has to be written and passed in time to benefit the 2020 elections. Americans have a right to be free of foreign interference when the cast their ballot.
The problem with returning Russian spies such as Butina back to Russia is their ability to know how to impact the elections within the country.
This is Trump's latest boy toy, Alex Ovechkin. A Russian migrant that is CAPTAIN of the Washington (as in DC) Capitals hockey team. Trump lauded over him when the TEAM visited the White House. According to the White House schedule, Alex even visited the Oval Office. How many times in a presidency do Russians actually visit the Oval Office?
Ovechkin is a friend and political operative of Vladimir Putin. He has a political organization that supports Putin. Ovechkin even took the Stanley Cup to display in Red Square (click here).
It is only appropriate to wonder what national security secrets left the Oval Office with Ovechkin's visit?
The Justice Department is supposed to uphold the law, including the responsibilities of the Congress, not break them.
There is every reason to believe, what's his name....Barr, is playing politics to favor Trump with the withholding of the Mueller Report. Legislation has to be written and passed in time to benefit the 2020 elections. Americans have a right to be free of foreign interference when the cast their ballot.
The problem with returning Russian spies such as Butina back to Russia is their ability to know how to impact the elections within the country.
This is Trump's latest boy toy, Alex Ovechkin. A Russian migrant that is CAPTAIN of the Washington (as in DC) Capitals hockey team. Trump lauded over him when the TEAM visited the White House. According to the White House schedule, Alex even visited the Oval Office. How many times in a presidency do Russians actually visit the Oval Office?
Ovechkin is a friend and political operative of Vladimir Putin. He has a political organization that supports Putin. Ovechkin even took the Stanley Cup to display in Red Square (click here).
It is only appropriate to wonder what national security secrets left the Oval Office with Ovechkin's visit?
While Pompeo shakes his fist at Russia's nuclear build up in Venezuela...
...Trump has no problem with the idea of a military build up by Russia in Cuba. Russia actually has 38 million Euros? Really, Donald? Lifting sanctions to Donald's oligarch friends is a problem.
There is collusion and there is collusion. The US Treasury is busy trying to keep Donald happy by lifting USA sanctions passed by Congressional legislation while colluding with military threats to the USA in the Western Hemisphere.
February 6, 2019
Moscow - Russia has approved a 38 million euro ($43.27 million) (click here) loan for Cuba’s defense sector, a senior Russian defense official was quoted as saying on Wednesday.
The deal was first announced in November after Russian President Vladimir Putin met Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Moscow.
It has now been finalised by Russia, Dmitry Shugayev, head of the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, said in an interview published in Russia’s Kommersant newspaper.
There is collusion and there is collusion. The US Treasury is busy trying to keep Donald happy by lifting USA sanctions passed by Congressional legislation while colluding with military threats to the USA in the Western Hemisphere.
February 6, 2019
Moscow - Russia has approved a 38 million euro ($43.27 million) (click here) loan for Cuba’s defense sector, a senior Russian defense official was quoted as saying on Wednesday.
The deal was first announced in November after Russian President Vladimir Putin met Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Moscow.
It has now been finalised by Russia, Dmitry Shugayev, head of the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, said in an interview published in Russia’s Kommersant newspaper.
The Special Olympics builds American citizens.
Special Olympics (click here) is not (just) nice, not charity, not just sports; Special Olympics is important; Special Olympics makes invaluable contributions to the lives of athletes that extend well beyond sports.
Handicapped young people frequently receive accommodations to achieve academic success. Those accommodations do not challenge a person to reach beyond their handicaps to find new competency. The Special Olympics is an exclusive way for our handicapped citizens to find new ability. It challenges every athlete to reach to their best self.
The Special Olympics is where handicapped citizens actually achieve greatness. It is the place where competition is possible that leads to sincere achievement. The Special Olympics is more than simply an inclusive event where the handicapped can pretend to be successful. The Special Olympics provides a platform for handicapped Americans to challenge themselves while making friends that face the same challenges.
Betsy DeVos is about the most stupid administrator the US Department of Education has ever witnessed. She uses the idea of fundraising and pandering to the wealthy for tax credits as a pinnacle achievement while defunding the public venue for students. She is horrible. She thinks if Americans are defunded by the federal government they will find "Angel Donors" that will provide all American learners need and then some. That is about as stupid as it comes.
Handicapped young people frequently receive accommodations to achieve academic success. Those accommodations do not challenge a person to reach beyond their handicaps to find new competency. The Special Olympics is an exclusive way for our handicapped citizens to find new ability. It challenges every athlete to reach to their best self.
The Special Olympics is where handicapped citizens actually achieve greatness. It is the place where competition is possible that leads to sincere achievement. The Special Olympics is more than simply an inclusive event where the handicapped can pretend to be successful. The Special Olympics provides a platform for handicapped Americans to challenge themselves while making friends that face the same challenges.
Betsy DeVos is about the most stupid administrator the US Department of Education has ever witnessed. She uses the idea of fundraising and pandering to the wealthy for tax credits as a pinnacle achievement while defunding the public venue for students. She is horrible. She thinks if Americans are defunded by the federal government they will find "Angel Donors" that will provide all American learners need and then some. That is about as stupid as it comes.
Congress is going to build in rigidity to the USA military budget. That is probably very important regardless of the wall. But, in building in a more rigid budget for the USA military there needs to be a Congressional Ad Hoc Committee composed of members of Congress as well as senior military members. The Ad Hoc Committee should be able to meet for urgent needs and immediate movement for bills before Congress to adjust the budget.
The USA Congress had confidence in the USA military's use of the country's taxes. The manifestation of manipulation by the Executive Branch is an attack on the USA Constitution which separates powers of the government. That should never happen. Congress needs to retake it's status and soon.
The most recent egregious abuse of the Executive Branch is sequestering a two year long investigation to the Russian intrusion on the 2016 elections. It is not appropriate for Congress to be treated as a second class citizen. The Mueller Report needs to proceed to the US Congress for assessment to legislation. The entire idea that an Attorney General can prevent Congress from reading a vital report only leads to greater and greater suspicion to the relationship between Russia and the current Executive Branch.
The USA Congress had confidence in the USA military's use of the country's taxes. The manifestation of manipulation by the Executive Branch is an attack on the USA Constitution which separates powers of the government. That should never happen. Congress needs to retake it's status and soon.
The most recent egregious abuse of the Executive Branch is sequestering a two year long investigation to the Russian intrusion on the 2016 elections. It is not appropriate for Congress to be treated as a second class citizen. The Mueller Report needs to proceed to the US Congress for assessment to legislation. The entire idea that an Attorney General can prevent Congress from reading a vital report only leads to greater and greater suspicion to the relationship between Russia and the current Executive Branch.
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