In upcoming legislation by the US Congress called "Cares II" the need to open enrollment for low-income Americans and ALL those affected by COVID-19 must be addressed. I have said from the beginning that the USA Medicaid health care benefit from the federal government MUST be immediately available to all those diagnosed with COVID-19. That should be the case regardless of any private insurance they may have because they can lose that insurance in "stay at home" orders.
The Trump administration has refused to open the health care exchanges as well. This is nonsense. Never in the history of this country has health care insurance, be it public or private, been more important.
The USA has a long way to go to provide for Americans without healthcare. The COVID-19 cases and deaths are heavily weighted with minority casualties. That is a socio-economic paradigm that must be addressed. The Affordable Care Act has been ravaged by this administration and it shows a profound disdain for the needy among us.
The next legislation must expand Medicaid for those in need. The language in the legislation MUST be explicit to avoid any manipulation and misdirection of funds.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Monday, April 06, 2020
How did we get here? Rude, depersonalized and radical speech about a captain that sincerely cared about his sailors.
Modly needs to be removed from his ACTING secretary status. He is completely out of control and cared little about the standards the sailors on that vital aircraft carrier. Where was the understanding that the ship was becoming ridiculously dangerous to its crew?
April 6, 2020
By John Ismay and Geoff Ziezulewicz
Secretary Thomas B. Modly, acting secretary of the Navy, testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee in December 2019. Modly removed the captain of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt last week.
...Acting Navy Secretary Thomas B. Modly (click here) addressed the crew of the aircraft carrier on Monday afternoon via the ship’s internal loudspeaker system. In a profane and defensive address that one crew member described in an interview as “whiny, upset, irritated, condescending,” Modly took repeated shots at the integrity of Capt. Brett E. Crozier, who was removed from command last week, and eventually injected partisan political tones into the address by attacking former Vice President Joe Biden, who has repeatedly criticized Crozier’s removal....

By John Ismay and Geoff Ziezulewicz
Secretary Thomas B. Modly, acting secretary of the Navy, testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee in December 2019. Modly removed the captain of the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt last week.
...Acting Navy Secretary Thomas B. Modly (click here) addressed the crew of the aircraft carrier on Monday afternoon via the ship’s internal loudspeaker system. In a profane and defensive address that one crew member described in an interview as “whiny, upset, irritated, condescending,” Modly took repeated shots at the integrity of Capt. Brett E. Crozier, who was removed from command last week, and eventually injected partisan political tones into the address by attacking former Vice President Joe Biden, who has repeatedly criticized Crozier’s removal....
I got it right. That is a relief.
It takes a great deal of need for me to speculate about such serious circumstances, but if I feel an observation could help I do it. It is the inflammation that makes recovering the patient worse. The virus is literally turning normal body chemistry into an enemy.
...Inflammatory (click here) responses in the peripheral and central nervous systems play key roles in the development and persistence of many pathological pain states [1]. Certain inflammatory cytokines in spinal cord, dorsal root ganglion (DRG), injured nerve or skin are known to be associated with pain behaviors and with the generation of abnormal spontaneous activity from injured nerve fibers or compressed/inflamed DRG neurons.
Int Anesthesiol Clin. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 Nov 30.
Published in final edited form as:
Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2007 Spring; 45(2): 27–37.
Cytokines are small secreted proteins released by cells have a specific effect on the interactions and communications between cells. Cytokine is a general name; other names include lymphokine (cytokines made by lymphocytes), monokine (cytokines made by monocytes), chemokine (cytokines with chemotactic activities), and interleukin (cytokines made by one leukocyte and acting on other leukocytes). Cytokines may act on the cells that secrete them (autocrine action), on nearby cells (paracrine action), or in some instances on distant cells (endocrine action).
It is common for different cell types to secrete the same cytokine or for a single cytokine to act on several different cell types (pleiotropy). Cytokines are redundant in their activity, meaning similar functions can be stimulated by different cytokines. They are often produced in a cascade, as one cytokine stimulates its target cells to make additional cytokines. Cytokines can also act synergistically or antagonistically (Figure 1)....
There it is. I am not surprised it is in the Lancet either.
March 16, 2020
Puja Mehta, Daniel F McAuley, Michael Brown, Emilie Sanchez, Rachel S Tattersall, Jessica J Manson, et al.
...Current management of COVID-19 is supportive, (click here) and respiratory failure from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the leading cause of mortality.
Secondary haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (sHLH) is an under-recognised, hyperinflammatory syndrome characterised by a fulminant and fatal hypercytokinaemia with multiorgan failure. In adults, sHLH is most commonly triggered by viral infections
and occurs in 3·7–4·3% of sepsis cases.
Cardinal features of sHLH include unremitting fever, cytopenias, and hyperferritinaemia; pulmonary involvement (including ARDS) occurs in approximately 50% of patients.
A cytokine profile resembling sHLH is associated with COVID-19 disease severity, characterised by increased interleukin (IL)-2, IL-7, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, interferon-γ inducible protein 10, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, macrophage inflammatory protein 1-α, and tumour necrosis factor-α....
I wish Trump would at least make believable statements. Michael Atkinson, the Inspector General Trump fired, is a very competent practitioner of the law and his practice within the government. Trump did not fire him because of lack of confidence. He fired him because of his lack of LOYALTY.
A fake report Trump released as a transcript. It wasn’t fake, witnesses matter and the released document was validated and expanded upon by AMERICANS knowledgeable of the facts.
A fake report Trump released as a transcript. It wasn’t fake, witnesses matter and the released document was validated and expanded upon by AMERICANS knowledgeable of the facts.
Chris Cuomo is stating he has had hallucinations with COVID-19. That fits with blood shot eyes. It is irritating the nerves in the head. Inflammation. That’s my take on it.
He needs to be checking his blood pressure and temperature regularly and reporting it to his doctor if they are abnormal and not resolving with acetaminophen.
If he were in the hospital on a general medicine floor vital signs are every 4 hours along with a measurement of oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter that is placed on a finger.
He needs to be checking his blood pressure and temperature regularly and reporting it to his doctor if they are abnormal and not resolving with acetaminophen.
If he were in the hospital on a general medicine floor vital signs are every 4 hours along with a measurement of oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter that is placed on a finger.
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