Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Women of Afghanistan

It is time to reassess cultural directions in Afghanistan. Western ideas and dress will be discarded. There are other countries to use as examples, including Saudi Arabia with women now driving cars. Until such enlightenment reaches the leadership of the country some elevations of women can take place with women voices singing daily prayers over loud speakers. This change should be easily accepted by any Shia of Afghanistan. 

Women that are part of sports and news reporting can provide an excellent example of progress women have made while still accepting traditional dress and culture.

What is most important is for Afghanistan leadership to accept their responsibilities in nurturing the country’s brain trust. Women have proven themselves capable of learning to provide expertise to the country.

There is still a global pandemic that needs to be addressed and the Afghanistan medical society needs to set health requirements along with mental health standards for a country that has an uncertain future at best.

The most important things women and girls should embrace and EXHIBIT are the new rules of conduct and dress that will dominate their lives.

In the two decades in Afghanistan there have been modernized cultures that can be legitimate expressions of Muslim society. Those changes should be pointed to when regression appears to be the answer. 

While communists like Russia and China try to be the Taliban’s best friends and allies, it is notable the communists have not embraced Muslims in their own country.

Chinese Uyghurs


And most of the world knows about the harsh treatment of the people of the Russian Caucuses, the Republic of Ingushetia and Chechnya.

The USA has aid programs that will still be available to Afghanistan women and girls. Advocates should take those programs seriously if their competence as leaders is to grow beyond cruelty in control.