Tuesday, August 31, 2021

We are out!

Thank you, President Biden, for extricating the USA from the foreign occupation of Afghanistan. President Biden did what no other president had the guts and grit to do; make the hard choices and bring our troops home.

There is a video, I believe CNN, which shows Taliban soldiers dressed in American uniforms surveying an empty hanger. Very little American material goods of any value was left behind. It was good to see. Our soldiers did a remarkable job in removing American and allied equipment.

Secretary Blinken has also conducted meticulous work in knowing every American in Afghanistan and their wish to leave. As he pointed out there are difficult choices being made by those Americans with dual citizenship and deep ties to Afghanistan. He is not abandoning anyone and has set up a consulate outreach from Qatar. Diplomatic relations will replace guns and bombs and hopefully will return a governance of elected people rather than that of brutality.

I would expect the Joint Chiefs are reassessing the military personnel returning, their debriefing, time off with family and redeployment to peace time priorities.