Wednesday, May 20, 2020

As of May 20, 2020 15 7:16 CEST

Confirmed cases globally 4,801,202 (click here)

Deaths 318,935

USA Confirmed cases in the USA 1,477,459 (click here)

Deaths 80,271

The USA percentage of global confirmed cases is 30.8 percent.
The USA percentage of confirmed cases in the Americas is 70.2 percent.
The USA percentage of global deaths is 25.2 percent.

The graph below (click here) shows confirmed cases on a timeline. I welcome any interested to examine the animated timeline to understand the rapid growth in the USA, 70 percent of the confirmed cases in the Americas.

The top graph is March 23, 2020, when the first cases were detected in the USA. Immediately, the spread of the virus in the USA surpassed all other countries and continue to this day. The virus is not stopped in the USA, not by a long shot compared to the rest of the world.