Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Rudy Guiliani seems to be at the center of the potential violence along with Trump's speech writers.

If I understand the facts, there were three bombs in New York which included the news agency CNN and now there is a bomb in Florida. There appear to be two bomb makers that may or may not be related, but, certainly are working simultaneously. And then there was the attack on George Soros. 

Altogether there are five bombs in 48 hours. That should be enough information to the FBI to begin making conclusions, especially since Rep. Wasserman-Schultz has had incidences like this before occur in a previous year’s campaign.

They are hate crimes since they target the Democratic leadership and their donor. I think the country has had enough hate speech for now.

Guiliani is at the center of the attempted murder of George Soros. Freedom of Speech is not absolute and Guiliani's involvement is a prime example.

Just for the record, the DOW is sliding and it isn't about a Democratic majority. Reality is setting in on Wall Street. The glut of money they received from the tax cuts starting in January didn't mean income increased from the business of the company.
CNN Business (click here)