Do not assign political values to the death of Jamal Khashoggi. This is about a human rights violation. Across the spectrum of reporting of the death Turkey's reporting is consistent and significant.
Currently, the human rights violations by Saudi Arabia has been astounding since the Crowned Prince has taken leadership of the kingdom. The current King has acted honorably in answering to the family, Jamal Khashoggi's son, and has found the body. I am certain Turkey will conduct a forensic examination before the body is returned to the family for proper burial.
There are many aggrieved by this death, including an international community that is currently moving on sanctions against Saudi Arabia (Germany has canceled any sales of military armaments.) and the UK is canceling visas for the 15 persons involved in the murder. The UK will arrest any of these 15 people if they enter the country. Today, the human rights violations within Saudi Arabia were noted in the UK assembly with the Prime Minister.
The entire of the global community of professional journalists was jarred by the death of Jamal Khashoggi. He was a member of the Washington Post staff. That is a very high moral standing in the profession of journalism. The backlash from the news of Jamal Khashoggi's death was appropriate and necessary.
Saudi Arabia is holding a meeting inviting major global businesses. These businesses have to have complete reassurances of the safety of their own personnel when in Saudi Arabia. There are tourists that go to Saudi Arabia from all over the world. There are citizens from all over the world that attend religious worship in Saudi Arabia required by their faith. Those worshippers need to have assurances there is reasonable safety when they enter the kingdom.
I realize the entire Muslim community and the countries of the Middle East have received catastrophic fear and death from Daesh (ISIS). That religious trauma counts when countries enforce their national security and carry out police actions, however, human rights abuses against honest and honorable citizens such as Jamal Khashoggi is wrong.
The death of this journalist was completely unnecessary and it now overshadows the Crowned Prince's legitimacy to his influence in the global community. Leaders that end the threats of Deash (ISIS) are to be commended, but, overreaching of authority is a delicate balance that creates it's own form of fear. When illegitimate fear results because of national security, it becomes it's own problem for national security. In the Middle East especially the balance between citizen rights and the handling of criminals has to be according to rules all the people understand.
The global community will continue to impress it's concerns upon Saudi Arabia and the best outcomes for the people of Saudi Arabia will be sought.
I express my sincerest sympathies to the family of Jamal Khashoggi, including his former fiancee. I wish them peace.