Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Byrd: The Filibuster is Not a Right Intended to be Abused

Uploaded by SenateDemocrats on May 19, 2010
Senator Robert Byrd spoke today before the Senate Rules Committee about the importance of Senate rules but the need to reign the abuses of them. "I share the profound frustration of my constituents and colleagues as we confront this situation. The challenges before our nation are far too grave, and too numerous, for the Senate to be rendered impotent to address them, and yet be derided for inaction by those causing the delay," said Byrd.

While Senate Minority Leader McConnell likes to call on the great Senator Byrd he does so in disrespect of his memory because it is taken out of context. The great Senator Byrd is rolling over in his grave along with the Founding Fathers of our Constitution for the abuses of the Republican Senate since his death. He would never consent to the abuse and would insist Senator Reid proceed with the return of the spoken filibuster.