Saturday, June 09, 2012

"Did he not get the message of Wisconsin?"

Sure we did. Money can buy elections no different than money bought Romney's nomination. I just don't know why Gingrich and Santorum are being so nice about it.

It isn't as though Romney won the nomination fair and square either. In rural America, when Romney didn't see the profit in running ads due to sparser population density, Santorum won without a doubt. In the South, when Gingrich had a bank roll to compete, he beat Romney. So, it isn't as though Romney is the sincere nominee of the Republicans. He ONLY received enough delegates a few days ago. No one can say he won handily, he didn't. Doesn't Mitt Romney learn anything either? Didn't he learn that money is power and when exerted over the populous it obtains the ego driven results he is looking for? Give me a break. Romney actually believes this Democracy's elections should be bought? For real. He actually believes if one is wealthy enough they can purchase elections? That is a patriot? THAT is unethical and ruthless. Don't tell me Romney cares about the American people. I'll never believe that one.

The election of 2012 is vital to the well being of the Middle Class. If Republicans can, at the very first chance, they will destroy Medicare and Social Security all in the name of paying down the national debt. The poor will be jettisoned when social programs are removed from the nation's budget. When that is done, the USA will be set back over 100 years, including laws like the child labor laws. Everyone in the USA will be on their own and the subjects of the plutocracy. Don't tell me this isn't Wall Street's war on our Democracy. I know better and Mitt Romney will be used to buy this election while Republicans already in the House and Senate held the country hostage to their political ideologies. 

The USA doesn't need infrastructure?

The USA doesn't need to improve their schools and hire teachers so their classrooms are not so over crowded?

The USA doesn't need more police on the street, when so many are killed in the line of duty?

The USA doesn't need more firemen and emergency workers in their cities at a time when a city's security relies on them?

If anyone believes the needs within those questions are not a reality, then they are really out of touch to their own neighborhoods, because that is what The American Jobs Act was all about. Go ahead deny the reality of life in this country and realize it will be far worse if the Republicans have their way this November.