Sunday, October 17, 2010

Are the Democrats actually trying to protect the electorate? The Republicans simply aren't trustworthy.

No one is paying attention to the Veterans.  The Tea Party folks, like Buck here, wants to privatize the Veterans Administration, including, hospitals.

Some might say that is a great idea, but, that isn't what the Veterans are saying.

...In a state where we have 460,000 veterans, (click here)  with 4 major military installations heavily involved in two major wars (including the Colorado National Guard) the GOP nominee has yet to put out a single substantive statement on where he stands on National Security and Veterans issues.
Buck STILL does not have any comprehensive National Security or Veterans issues posted on his website, or as a press release. It's not surprising, since he JUST formed a Veterans advisory committee (consisting of ONE Veteran) and is still casting about for support from the veterans community. His first "Meet and Greet" with Veterans was Monday. No announcement of policy was made at that event.
Well, let me clarify that - he did suck up to the Tea Party by stating that he would privatize the VA:...

That is what these Tea Party candidates are like.  They talk out of both sides of their mouth.  Buck is very similar to Miller in Alaska.  In order to take the Republican Primary they took many, many extremist views and now that they are in the general election, they change their tune.  They have NO consistent positions across the board.

On the "Tea Party" website there is a line that states (click here): ANOTHER GOOD TOOL FOR VOTERS...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

When one click on " on the Tea Party website it takes one here: is ANOTHER GREAT TEA PARTY VOTERS WEBSITE & TOOL...

And when one clicks on it goes here:

Then click on Colorado (of course a voter has to know where Colorado is on the map) and then click on Ken Buck (click here).

Astoundingly, "On the Issues" does not cover Veterans' Benefits.  Big surprise, but, it covers many other issues.

What surprised me is that Ken Buck is like a BLANK SLATE.  That tells me a candidate has a lot to hide about his agenda after he is elected.

Ken Buck on Crime:

-----Fired for refusing to prosecute an unethical case. (Jul 2010)

...on drugs:
    No issue stance yet recorded by
...on education:

Federal research, but no federal requirements or funding. (Aug 2010)

That position makes no sense.  I have said it before.  There is no way any State, especially when it comes to education, should be abandoned to the needs of their children.  That is why there are federal programs that distribute funding on a federal basis.  Impoverished States need help n funding BASIC STUDIES for their children.  We know that.  It is why federal funding exists for education.  And this research mess is silly.  Why conduct federal research on education if legislators aren't going to do anything about it?  Perhaps for the States to use.  Tell me that makes sense.  Why put research out in publication for the States to read and be unable to fund changes.  It makes no sense.

...on energy:

Continue our traditional sources of energy. (Aug 2010)

There ya go.  No innovation.  No new economy.  No new employment.  Has this guy ever heard of "Peak Oil?"  No.  Allow me.  Peak Oil states we are currently at an all time high to the amount of oil to be pumped from any source where oil exists.  We know that is true because the petroleum industry is outrageous in their desperation about drilling 'deep water.'  We need our fisheries.  Why are we still USING OIL at all?  By the year 2050 there will be about 50 percent of the oil being pumped out because it no longer exists.  The 'idea' that oil and gas are appropriate with a warming planet is hideous, but, to completely disregard the REALITY there needs to be a paradigm shift by the fact we are running out of fossil fuels is moronic.  With his education, he is not that stupid.  However, he is manipulative enough to lie and state half truths to win an electoin.  Buck is like most of the other Tea Party candidates, they are labile and change their statements whichever way the wind blows.  He is manipulating the electorate and cannot be TRUSTED with the power of the Senate.

Cap-and-trade has no impact on global temperatures. (Jul 2010)

Setting my personal views aside, that statement about Cap and Trade is a lie.  We know that 'Carbon Exchanges' places high value on 'carbon sinks.'  Carbon sinks, such as rainforests and coral reefs have a dramatic effect on global temperatures.  So, therefore, Mr. Buck has no understanding about the Climate Crisis and is dangerous to trust.

Explore proven energy reserves; keep energy prices low. (Jul 2010)

The statement is invalid.  We know there are less and less energy reserves if Buck is referring to 'traditional' sources.  To believe as a natural resource becomes more and more sparse it will become less expensive is completely silly and contrary to any known economic theory of the market place.  In the not too distant future any energy created by oil and gas will become too expensive for anyone to afford.  Does he actually believe he can convince the electorate traditional energy sources are a bottomless pit with cheap costs?  If he does and that goes for anyone else; are lying.  It is just that simple. 

...on families and children, the environment, jobs, principles and values, technology and welfare and poverty.

No issue stance yet recorded by

Those are some of the most important issues for Republicans and he is shying away from them.  As a rule, Republicans are value voters.  And to not state what his position is on these issues is a slap in the face to any Value Voter out there. 

Ken Buck, regardless of his education, is qualified to lead and certainly not in the Senate. 

His website has even less information on his position and has nothing but rhetorical references.  It is nothing but rhetorical and attempts to manipulate the electorate based on 'sentiment.'  VAGUENESS is a definite 'strategy' by this candidate.  There is no way anyone in Colorado can state they really understand his positions. 

I am proud of my son Cody, (click here) a fourth year cadet at West Point. The contributions made by all the men and women who serve in the military around the world so we can enjoy our freedoms at home will always be reflected in my priorities.
I will fight for a strong national defense and to ensure our military members, veterans and their families receive the benefits and care they have earned.

HOW?  How is Buck going to '...fight for a strong national defense and to ensure...(they) receive the benefits and care they have earned.  HOW? 

A campaign's website should be the place where a candidate has in depth information for the electorate, not simply more rhetoric.  Do voters actually know what to demand from their candidates?  I don't believe they do.  SPECIFICS and how that will effect the nation.  That's what I want to know.  I want to know exactly whom I am voting for.  I am tired of the electorate being treated like 'mindless puppets' by the Republicans.