Sunday, October 17, 2010

President Reagan instituted "The Highway Revenue Act of 1982."

So, it isn't as though the voters of 1980 didn't get a tax hike under Reagan.  They did.  It just wasn't an increase in Income Tax. 

It was a five cent hike in the Federal Gasoline Excise Tax.

FIVE CENTS under Reagan. 

A 125% increase.

Why?  To improve the USA infrastructure and PUT Americans BACK TO WORK.

This is how government 'maintains' the USA infrastructure.  Don't like it, too bad.

I dont' want to hear how Democrats are doing anything any more extreme than past administrations of Republican leadership. 


Reagan wasn't even facing an economic collapse, but, a recession. 

...In 1982, (click title to entry - thank you) the Reagan Administration proposed an increase in the

federal gasoline tax for the purpose of improving and repairing the nation’s highways, based on the

user-fee nature of the tax.

Within the Administration, the fact that the tax was likely to create jobs was also considered as a

reason for the tax increase, although President Reagan did not support government-funded jobs

programs, or tax increases. The Reagan gasoline tax increase passed in both the House and the

Senate and was signed into law on January 5, 1983. It raised the federal tax from 4 cents per
gallon to 9 cents per gallon....