Sunday, October 07, 2007

When the Robert's Court decided "The Partial Birth Aborton Law," Justice Kennedy stated...

...if he heard of one case whereby a woman's life was saved because of the procedure he would have voted with the opposing Justices. Does he consider emotional distress enough of a reason? Does he consider a woman desperate enough to attempt to take her own life enough of a reason?

I do.

The decision regarding the oppression of any abortion in the USA was "W"rongly decided. It was legislation that was intended to be a Trojan Horse to promote an Evangelical Christian agenda and victimize women. Justice Kennedy didn't see that?

If Justice Kennedy needs an 'example' of the circumstances women now will be facing to end an unwanted pregnancy, it might include their lives along with the fetus.

This isn't the first case. There was another one, I think it was Nevada within the last year. Not sure the state, whereby the woman was hit with a baseball bat stating it was an accident. She shortly thereafter aborted the fetus. She as well could have died, perhaps not caring if she would. Women have to be assured they are accepted in society when they don't want a pregnancy, they will receive confidential treatment when they do decide an abortion is better than pregnancy. They need support without ridicule or embarrassment.

Abortion at any stage of pregnancy should be a woman's right. Funny, if you asked me about this a year ago, I would have stated abortion should stop at 22 weeks. Not anymore. Not now that I see what venue this is all taking. Partial Birth Abortion was never exclusively used for terminating pregnancy, but, the 'fallout' as a result of the Justices' decision is more than women in the USA are willing to live with. If having the permission 'on the books' adds balance to the ability of women to cope with life, then we are better with the law than without it.

Pregnancy is a special time to MOST women. To others it's '...the wrong time...' and still to others it is a goal they never want to achieve. To those that seek a different road then an Evangelical enthralled with her pregnant status, I state they have the right to be different. They have the right to seek whatever relief they desire to end any unwanted pregnancy. Women should never live in fear of having a uterus or ovaries, but, need to accept their bodies as vital to their lives without a second thought to any resolve they have for their life.