These are people. There are a lot more biological entities on Earth besides people, but, these are the biological entities the Religious Right seems focused on to convert and control.
I believe Homosexuals are people, too. They are citizens with equal standing in the USA no different than Heterosexuals. I believe all people of equal standing have the same civil rights. I believe the Homosexual community of the USA is oppressed, degraded due to the current regime occupying the White House known as Neocons.
I believe every woman has a mind. I believe every woman has the right to allow whatever dignity she can find in this life to be hers. If that includes limiting her childbearing to only one or two or maybe none then she has the right and OBLIGATION to HERSELF to seek proper medical treatment to cause an abortion in as safe as manner as possible to secure THE RIGHT TO HER OWN LIFE as she can possibly find.
I believe every person has the right to define their own lives and pursue whatever forms of happiness they desire unimpeded.
The Right Wing Christian Neocons of which James Dobson is obviously a member have absolutely no right to determine the fate of any American, man, woman or child. They have no right to bring overbearing and burdensome policy to the rights of women, children or homosexuals.
They are bigots, sexist and seek to control the USA military beyond a shadow of a doubt for global domination of resources that allow their wealth to grow while causing demise of the cultures they choose to lay waste !