I don't know the ethnicity of the woman involved and that may indeed play a role in the charges that were leveled whereby police charged a woman that shot herself in the abdomin as having commited homicide of a fetus.
That's simply ludicrous.
I don't know the motives of the shooting. I don't care to know. It can be simply stated that there was a woman in enough emotional pain regarding her circumstances to attempt suicide and take the fetus with her.
Enough said regarding this incident.
What is of brevity here, is the fact the police charged a woman intent on inflicting enough harm to kill the 22 week fetus and perhaps herself. The focus to the 'intervention' by police was not about the woman and the state of her extreme and pending demise, it placed the 22 week fetus at higher importance than the woman. That is politics at work. That is taking control and victimizing the victim. It is abuse of women.