Friday, January 07, 2022

Supreme Court and COVID

Few employers in the USA have employees that do not smoke. Employees are not allowed to smoke in the workplace. Why? Because smoke enters the air and travels to cause disease with secondary smoke. That dynamic is magnified by severe danger that can result in death due to COVID-19 and it’s variants. Vaccines are the only preventable method to protect life.

In regard to employees that smoke, they are assigned to special areas to smoke a cigarette. It is impossible to smoke with a mask. So, the idea employees will be breathing air at the smoking shed is all that much more to be a reason to require vaccines in the workplace.

President Biden’s administration is trying to maintain safety for all Americans while recognizing that work is important. Requiring vaccines for the workplace is the least invasive measure and the least expensive measure for any employer. 

Driving a tractor trailer is probably the most isolated job in the USA. Even those long haul drivers are exposed to others at delivery and pick-up points. In recognizing people die of this virus and outbreaks put extreme pressure on the USA health system there is absolutely no employer exempt from causing that burden.

The culture in the USA causing outbreaks and spreading this virus is a profound danger to all Americans following all the rules and recommendations. It is ridiculous to think mandatory vaccines are a threat rather than a salvation.