Changing to a citizens based non-profit to conduct the census may require an amendment to the US Constitution. So, while we are cleaning up the corruption get rid of the Electoral College as well. It is time to get started. We are losing the very legitimacy of our government and the Republicans don't care.
December 23, 2018
By Dartunorro Clark
Uncertainty surrounding the Trump administration's plans (click here) to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census is just one of a number of critical issues plaguing the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. government's primary watchdog warned, and time is running out to fix them before that all-important headcount.
“The ticking clock has become the enemy of the Census Bureau. There’s no reset, no do-ever, no timeout,” Robert Goldenkoff, a director of strategic issues at the Government Accountability Office, said. “Failure is not an option, the Census Bureau has to get it right. If there is a mistake, it’s a 10-year mistake.”
In a series of reports over the past year, the GAO has sounded the alarm about budget woes, potential cyber-security weaknesses, hiring shortfalls, testing cutbacks, a bankrupt printing company, and the ongoing legal battle over whether a citizenship question can be included on the form — all problems that could impede the accuracy of the agency's critical work....
...Goldenkoff told NBC News in an interview that the overall picture of the 2020 census appears alarming because of “shortcomings” in vital areas that complicate the bureau’s ability to collect accurate data....
This is a criminal act by the Executive Branch and an assault against the USA Constitution.
...Goldenkoff told NBC News in an interview that the overall picture of the 2020 census appears alarming because of “shortcomings” in vital areas that complicate the bureau’s ability to collect accurate data....
This is a criminal act by the Executive Branch and an assault against the USA Constitution.