Friday, March 23, 2018

Bolton is laughable and a political appointee.

He is a FOX News adviser. Yes, still yet another one. But, beyond that he and Trump are perfect for each other, they are both big mouths.

Murdoch must be happy, his salaried employee list is getting shorter. Why not put them on the White House payroll and save some money.

Bolton is not a hawk, he is an extremist. His only tactic is to scream and yell, "The sky is falling."

He was never respected at the United Nations and he won't be anywhere else there is international involvement. All these folks will be ignored because they aren't in their positions to WORK, they are there to carry Republicans in 2018 elections. 

With that said, I remember when Bolton was at the UN as ambassador. They would give him a room all by himself to make a speech. No one came and no one listened. He won't derail the peace process on the Korean Peninsula because he doesn't matter. And where the General needed a Senate confirmation hearing because he was military, Bolton won't have that hurdle.

I would expect more scare tactics of the National Security Office. Do we still use the color spectrum for terrorist threat? Well, expect that to be a real 'thing' again. What else? Think of all the radically stupid things that occurred with "W" and wait for will be back.

Here is a good excuse for Bolton as to why all the old terror alerts aren't used anymore, "Well, it is because there were generals in this job and they simply don't have the sensitivity for the public." 

March 23, 2018
By Jennifer Rubin

Following (click here) the “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything” adage, Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) put out an effusive statement thanking outgoing national security adviser H.R. McMaster for his service: “General McMaster has served our nation incredibly well for 34 years, and I thank him for the work he has done in leading the National Security Council,” Corker wrote on Twitter. “It has been a privilege to work with him on some of the most pressing issues facing our country.”...