Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Enforcement of racism in North Carolina. There were no Clinton emails found in the study.

April 16, 2015
By Jake Seaton

Could history be repeating itself? (click here) That's the question raised by a study published Monday in the National Bureau of Economic Research that looks at the racial makeup of charter schools in North Carolina.

The study, "The Growing Segmentation of the Charter School Sector in North Carolina," was published by Duke University professors Helen Ladd, Charles Clotfelter and John Holbein. It examines the trends of student enrollment in charter schools, primarily between fourth and eighth grades, since their introduction in the state in 1997....

It is institutional racism. I have been stating the McCrory administration was undermining the public school system. UNC has been a highly regarded institution for decades. UNC schools can be found in every corner of the state serving tens of thousands of not hundreds of thousands of resident students as well as out of state students.  

The corruption of the McCrory Administration is thick as pea soup. It is everywhere and more obvious than ever.

This is a shift backed by the legislature. All the Chancellors and the President are placed by an act of State Legislature. Such placement is usually routine once there is an extensive search for the best leadership. Each of these positions are expensive to conduct and can take as long as six months to a year. This is once again Republicans over throwing stable and effective governments to benefit their own ideologies. 

January 29, 2015
By Charles Pierce

...A couple of weeks ago, (click here) completely out of the blue, the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina, stacked as it is with McCrory/Pope loyalists, fired popular UNC president Tom Ross. The board still has not explained its actions, but Ross was tight with the Democratic establishment in the state, so there's a big old trout in the milk there....

This is no different than the scandal surrounding Duke Power and it's brokering of coal ash with the former employee, McCrory. There was absolutely nothing wrong and every thing right about UNC and now the it's future and quality is in peril. 

When McCrory first took office there were new tax breaks and credits on the state income tax to prove how bad the Democrats were for the state. This year a far higher state tax rate has been necessary to pay the bills. The McCrory administration is a complete failure and imperiling the quality of life and well being of the residents of North Carolina. In the case of higher education, the students of the UNC system were receiving world class educations and job offers that were the envy of any job market. There was nothing that was wrong with UNC. Nothing.