Monday, December 09, 2013

H.R. 6563 (112th): Veterans Jobs Corps Act of 2012

Rand Paul doesn't have to lecture the American people, he needs to do something other than make excuses.

The idea Detroit is suppose to give discounted taxes to businesses means prolonged fiscal problems. The only thing I agree with is the fact no one has come up with a plan. The Mayor and Council's hands are tied and have no real legislative initiative to recover the City of Detroit.

Free Trade/Enterprise Zones have been tried elsewhere and they don't encourage growth. North Carolina has two Free Trade/Enterprise Zones, one at each end of the state, near Raleigh and Fuqay and the other near Winston-Salem. There zones are primarily about foreign trade. They really aren't places where employment take place. When Senator Paul states Detroit needs Free Enterprise Zones, he is lending his support to wealth and not very much employment.

" on unemployment for 4 weeks or 99 weeks which one would you hire? The employer nearly 100% always says they will hire the one with 4 weeks unemployment..."

Senator Senator Rand Paul took office January 3, 2011. The bills that he wrote were all extremist bills. They seek to deconstruct the US Constitution.

1. S.15 : Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2013

2. S.81 : Default Prevention Act

3. S.82 : Separation of Powers Restoration and Second Amendment Protection Act of 2013

And on and on and on and more of the same.

Congressman Ed Markey had been in the House for many, many years and a wonderful representative of his Massachusetts district. He was running for the Senate in 2012 and won his race. But, while he was running he didn't ignore his responsibilities in the House. So, in September of 2012 he submitted a bill he wrote:

H.R. 6563 (112th): Veterans Jobs Corps Act of 2012 (click here). It was referred back to committee after Representative Markey attempted to open it for a vote.

Now, one could say the current Senator Markey was grandstanding for the sake of his election, but, don't the Republicans grandstand all the time. So, the point is mute. But, let's see if jobs for veterans is really needed.

Posted by Brad Plumer on November 11, 2013 at 11:30 am
Veterans Day is, (click here) of course, a day to honor and remember those who have served in the military. But it's also worth noting some of the steep challenges that many American veterans have faced in recent years on returning home.
This chart from the Council of Economic Advisers shows that the unemployment rate for recent veterans remains incredibly high — around 10 percent — and remains noticeably higher than it is for non-veterans in the same demographic group:...

What the now Senator and Former Congressman Markey's bill, HR 6563 was vitally needed. We have veterans at their wits end without having employment and the bill was specifically to support them.

The difference between Senator Paul and Senator Markey is completely obvious and I should not have had to point to it. Senator Markey's bill had a purpose. I have yet to hear or read anything of Senator Paul's that does. Who do you want in office in the USA Senate. A Senator that plays politics endlessly without accomplish anything except inflammatory speech? Or do you want a Senator that actually writes bills about sincere problems that exist in the USA?

Do you know what these Senators make? Their pay rate. 

Now, who do you want in office in the USA Senate?

If Senator and then Representative Markey was able to pass his bill there is a very good chance the Congress would not need to extend unemployment yet again! 

If Senator Paul is sincere about limiting an arbitrary 26 weeks of unemployment, then he would have already solved the problem so any extension would be unnecessary and the US unemployment rate might be 1 or 2 percent lower. 

We can dream, can't we?

September 14, 2012
By Lawrence Downes

Congressional Republicans, (click here) resolute in their commitment to deny the Democrats anything that looks like an accomplishment in an election year, have spent the week obstructing passage of the Veterans Job Corps Act of 2012. It’s a perfectly inoffensive bill from Senator Patty Murray, the Washington Democrat, meant to increase hiring and job training for veterans, especially those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan....

...I’ll let the Republicans explain.

Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma says it is dishonorable and cowardly to help veterans find jobs when there are more important things (what?) to do. Perhaps forgetting where he worked, he denounced the legislation on Wednesday as a “political exercise” and a waste of time, since the House wasn’t going to pass it anyway. (If that’s going to be the standard, the Senate might as well shut off the utilities.)
“Where is our honor? Where is our valor? Where is our sacrifice?” thundered Mr. Coburn, immediately after suggesting that the bill cost too much.
Rand Paul of Kentucky went further, saying he would block the bill until Pakistan freed Shakil Afridi, the doctor who helped the United States find Osama bin Laden. He also wants to halt all American aid to Pakistan until Dr. Afridi is released. If that halts American aid to veterans, too bad.
“I care deeply about the veterans . I care deeply about housing and helping the veterans who have fought for their country. But this is about whether we as a country and the American taxpayers will be asked to send good money after bad to allies that are not acting like allies.”
It’s only “about” that because of Mr. Paul. This ought to be about jobs for veterans....
This bill devolved to be an obstruction issue. The Democrats weren't suppose to pass bills. And then Senator Paul turned the bill into a foreign diplomacy issue. ????????????  What has that got to do with jobs? If Senator Paul wants to pass a bill about Shakil Afridi, he was welcome to do it. 

The poor excuses of the Republican Party are many in obstructing job bills for the country. They turn everything into rhetoric. They aren't doing their jobs and they are getting away with it, while the people of the USA struggle to find their footing either after 2008 or after returning from war. 

The extended unemployment benefits are very helpful when people are retraining for jobs that are available.