Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gadaffi has retreated to using snipers to terrify unarmed citizens.

NATO's efforts are working, but, the hand to hand combat is causing sporatic deaths in cities.

The Iranian forces are already beaten, but, those that remain are committed to their best outcomes as dictated by Gadaffi.  I don't see rolling brigades of troops into Libya.

This report also states Zintan is receiving tank fire.  Gadaffi is seeking to be effective in areas where the coalition hasn't destroyed them yet and one place is the Tunisia border.  There are also Egyptian refugees leaving from Tunisia.  Gadaffi could be endangering that effort and Egyptian citizens.

It is my opinion, Gadaffi is become less and less effective.  It will eventually stop.

...A Misrata resident (click title to entry - thank you) told Reuters by telephone: "This morning, air strikes twice hit the airbase where Gaddafi's brigades are based.

"Two people were killed by snipers an hour ago in the centre of the town. Their bodies are now at the hospital, which I visited a while ago. Shooting is still going on there now."

A doctor in the city also told the BBC that snipers were continuing to shoot at civilians, and confirmed at least one person had been killed.

Witnesses said tanks pulled back from their positions, from where they have been spearheading a siege of the city for days....