Saturday, May 30, 2009

Racist? Who? Newt Gingrich? Limbaugh? Yeah, sure they are.

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.”

Man are they racist. They were waiting for this one weren't they? Amazing.

The statement is a 'quip.' A quip. It means the woman has a sense of humor. Dear God, forgive that a woman should have a sense of humor and very sharp elbows at the same time.

She obviously is concerned with the statements of peers. And she relies on those peers to understand the 'emphasis' that lies in those words. With any of these 'racist remarks' about Judge Sotomayor by ? members ? of the media it takes them completely out of context. You know the 15 second sound bite. Conservatives can't seem to move past that. Money, ya know?

But, at any rate, the statement was made in admiration and in support of the same kind of 'observation' by Former Supreme Court Judge Sandra Day O'Connor.

The larger context of the sentence is Sotomayor addressing former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's famous quote that "a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases."

Sandra was the first woman on the Supreme Court. All these folks, even when one reads interviews of people like Jackie Robinson, have faced horrible public scrutiny and ridicule. It becomes a huge burden in a person's life. Emotional scars result. She has every right to express in tones of humor the experiences of her life and her views as a result.

In any of those quotes, Judge Sotomayor is speaking primarily to peers. Sure we and the media are allowed to 'listen in,' but, in every instance she is speaking to people that are asking questions within the subject of 'the practice of judging the law.' Kindly get that right. "The Practice of Judging the Law." That is basically what any Judge does. They look at the facts presented in a 'sterile' environment in a court room, examine the application of the law to the circumstances and makes a judgement. Kindly get that right. The word is JUDGEMENT.

When the 'extremist' media finally speaks in words of 'analysis' rather than 'ridicule' I might even listen.