Sunday, August 19, 2007

This is the ONLY Republican candidate I would ever consider voting for and he isn't even considered seriously by the Right Wingers.

The good looking Senator on the right is Senator Chuck Hagel. I am sure we have our differences, but, he is interested in the issues of the next generation of Americans. I do believe he has stood out from Bush on numerous issues and has never been much of a 'grandstander' in that difference either.

He is a man of reason, not party politics. He is from Montana, I believe and some of those ranchers lost quite a few cows to very odd snow and ice storms in the winter of 2006-07. Not only that but at one point, Senator Hagel reversed his decision on a military draft. I recall him changing his mind to exclude that possibility and he actively doesn't see the occupation of Iraq as a productive use of the American military in fighting terrorist networks that threaten the USA.

He'd have to prove himself 'tried and true' and not just manipulative before I'd pull the lever in his direction, but, he cares about Climate Change when no one else in the Republican Party sincerely does. I think he is 'workable' to realize the brevity of the issue and the 'reasonable' solutions available to that end.

I not a huge fan, but, I am interested. I think many of his ideas are good ones, with an open mindedness that would invite expertise to any subject. Chuck Hagel is not biased to 'ideologies' so much as a man in pursuit of the truth and the solutions that can bring. I think he sincerely loves this country and not just it's treasury, military and assets. In other words when it comes to writing legislation that works, he is maliable where Bush is simply stupid and corrupt. I don't believe Hagel is at all corrupt. Never recall that as an issue with him.