Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Orator - He is an extremist, yet he attracts a lot of attention because he is a good speaker.

I have little respect for the guy, because he has little respect for people and especially women. I would expect a man with as much experience in helping women deliver babies as he, to also respect their right to choose for the people they are rather than the 'enforcer' of some 'idea' that every fetus is an American. He's simply has ideas as old as he is and should retire from his rhetorical dogma.

He is a 'nice man' but a 'good man' is something he cannot muster.

He wants to demolish the federal government by stating he believes in the USA Constitution while gutting it of many of it's cabinet positions. He is an amazing orator and makes these issues sound reasonable, but, in fact he is the worst person for president and quite frankly he should not be in office for his views and their adverse effect on future Americans.

He states 911 shouldn't have happened but not for the reasons I do. He claims everyone should have been armed under the 2nd Amendment and there could have been 'high noon' at the OK Corral aboard all those planes. Funny, I think just preventing the terrorists from getting on jetliners is good enough.

In the year 2007, he is outdated except for one quality. He believes in peace. I'll be darn if I can understand how he'll attain it though.