Sunday, August 19, 2007

"If I can do it, the nation can do it." That was his reply to a question regarding "Sicko."

A typical Neocon ideologue. He even touts himself as an ideologue when taking a position on Iraq.

When asked about the needs of health care in the USA, he believes so long as everyone goes to Weight Watchers or their weight conscious adult program of choice the nation doesn't need healthcare except for private health care. Doesn't matter American coroners not working on identifying Katrina victims have a new diagnosis, "Death by Insurance Carrier," the nationa health care problems will be solved when everyone 'bucks up' and loses weight.

Somehow, Mr. Huckabee's victory over fat consititutes a run for the Executive Branch and hsi proclaiming that cancer is on the run as well. You know the statistics for Americans that die without health insurance matches any third world country on this planet and Huckabee glibly states if the nation were in 'peak condition' there would be no issue.

That is only one aspect of healthcare in the USA which needs to be addressed from the ground up when 'physical education' is again mandated in schools across this country. I have yet heard anything from this guy except Republican rhetoric. No policies. No 'I would do it different.' Come to think of it, I don't know if anyone besides Ron Paul has anything different to say than rhetoric.