Women Can't Do Math...Or Can They? (click here)
by Richard Morin
August 31, 2006
Strange but true: Women score much lower on math tests if they are first asked unrelated questions about gender issues. The phenomenon is known as "stereotype threat" -- a kind of performance anxiety discovered in 1995 when psychologists found that black students at Stanford University did significantly worse on intelligence tests if they were first asked to identify their race on the test form.
Since then, dozens of other experiments have confirmed that subtly cuing women, minorities and other stigmatized groups to think subconsciously about their gender or race causes them do poorly in areas where the general stereotype suggests they are weak.
University of Texas psychologist Matthew S. McGlone wondered if there wasn't another side of the story. What if you prompted people to think about their strengths rather than their stereotypical weaknesses -- would that be enough to improve performance in areas where they weren't supposed to do well?
In a novel set of experiments, McGlone, working with Joshua Aronson of New York University, found that the answer is yes. "The idea that something is immutable due to some biological factor can be trumped," McGlone said....
Lawrence Summers, Former President of Harvard.
Evidently in speaking about economics, Lawrence Summers felt he COULD do math when no one else could !
Stanford Report, June 1, 2005
Harvard president says deficit puts U.S. in precarious position (click here)
Harvard president says deficit puts U.S. in precarious position (click here)
..."Without some significant structural changes this figure will continue to rise," Summers said. "Substantial adjustment problems lie ahead. … This is not a problem which will be solved overnight."...
Dear Lawrence should have devoted the same concern to the lack of achievement of the opposite gender if that indeed was an issue at Harvard.
Stanford Report, June 1, 2005
Summers worries that American personal economics = deficit (click here for video)
Summers worries that American personal economics = deficit (click here for video)
It wasn't just consumer debt. You know how women are, they simply spend without thinking since they can't do math. It was the irresponsible government spending of the Bush/Cheney Republicans still lining the halls of DC. Why is it the consumer of the USA is blamed for policies developed in Washington, DC ? Why is that? No one to date has held George Walker Bush responsible for a falling Dow and global monetary crisis. No one ! No one says the words. Amazing.
The American society has returned to bias against women, except, in the bedroom, family room and maternity ward. I can't believe we are nearing the year 2008, it seems more like 1968 !