Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Republican Religious Right would say this is making pregnancy 'clinical' and therefore abortions are easy decisions.

It's not possible to make pregnancies clinical. It is not possible to depersonalize a pregnancy realized, desired and anticipated.

There is a huge difference between a woman discovering she is pregnant while in love and one that is burdened with that reality.

Enforcing a 'Pro-Life' agenda is calling a woman incompetent to make decisions regarding her life, her dreams and the relationship she values.

Currently, the Pro-Life movement is using coersion to instill a sense of 'obligation' toward a fetus and/or 'guilt' for a woman putting herself first over her pregnancy. Those 'tactics' should be stopped and dignity returned to women deciding 'it's the wrong time' for pregnancy, childbearing, lactation and responsibility for another life. I do not believe adoption is a viable alternative to all women although some may find it satisfying and rewarding.