Sunday, November 25, 2007

Private Industry Sucks ! Not about breastfeeding. About women participating at corporate level management.

Asian Pacific Americans, Affirmative Action, and Michigan’s Proposal 2 (click title to entry)

By Frances Kai-Hwa Wang, Asian

American Village Acting Editor

ANN ARBOR - October 24, 2006 - In the upcoming Michigan election on November 7, Proposal 2 seeks to ban all Affirmative Action programs for public employment, education, and contracting purposes. If passed, it will seriously roll back progress for all women and people of color. A broad coalition of Republicans, Democrats, business, labor, social and religious organizations have come together to defend Affirmative Action programs that provide opportunities for women and minorities for better jobs and education. Vote No on Proposal 2!...

The report below is from 1996. The issue is still alive and well. However, I propose this. Women have strong loyalties to family and children, it is innate for a woman having been indoctrinated all her life to the inevitable reproductive nature of her body. In facing the reality that, as a rule, corporations sincerely don't follow the rules, women may very well find 'better economic shelter' in sole proprietorships, the professions and lower paying jobs men particularly don't really want !

A decade has gone by since this commission delivered it's findings. Nothing has changed !

The Glass Ceiling (click here)
The Findings and Recommendations ofthe Federal Glass Ceiling Commission
"For people confronting these barriers,it's discrimination plain and simple."by René RedwoodWashington, D.C.

...Amidst the fierce national debate now raging about the role of minorities and women in the workforce, the reports of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission have added fuel to the fire. Daily reports on the review and examination of programs and policies that help all achieve their fair share of the American dream permeate the airwaves and journals. The work of the Glass Ceiling Commission cannot be separated from the ongoing public discourse about affirmative action, equal opportunity, and diversity....