Saturday, July 28, 2007

Recycling garbage including leaf litter and excess compost.

Imagine a municipality that supplies all it's own energy needs through biodiesel production. Where do they get the bio-stuff to produce the diesel?

Entertain this: What if a progressive mayor and council educated consumers about recycling vegetation and vegetable based oils? Is it possible? Can people be educated to recycling at all? That is a stupid question in the year 2007. People have not only been educated to recycling, it has become a 'feel good' aspect of a child's education in the public school system.

People would be more than willing to add to their weekly trash collection 'bio-based' trash for use in their local biodiesel facility. Imagine a waste collection vehicle making it's rounds on fuel produced by the people it serves.

It's all very doable. Why aren't we there yet?