Thursday, September 19, 2013

I don't believe the government doesn't understand this message.

Published: Sept. 18, 2013 at 5:47 PM  
...Citing sources it did not identify, the network said the phrase "My E-L-F weapon" was carved into the stock of the shotgun Alexis used in Monday's rampage, which ended when he was killed in an exchange of gunfire with security personnel. It wasn't clear what "E-L-F" stands for, though ABC said its law enforcement sources said there was speculation it could stand for "extremely low frequency" since Alexis allegedly had talked about hearing voices and having "vibrations sent to his body" by a " microwave machine." Investigators said they were analyzing whether "better off this way" meant Alexis knew he would die, ABC reported....





The government knows what ELF is. They know what the message is about, too. Why play the American public for fools as if that can't be confirmed.
Aaron Alexis was troubled. He isn't alone. There are many troubled people in the USA able to problem solve within their own hearts and minds. They have access to weapons. There is only one way to end this type of destruction within our society and that is with gun control.

If whales and dolphins can die of ELF, why can't people?

So, aside from the speculations, (click here) I want to know if anyone here is familiar with the ELF frequencies, where tests are conducted, howcome underwater bases are sending ELF waves at 200+ dB into the ocean, killing the water animals that live there, such as whales and dolphins?

Aaron Alexis was problem solving. I am sure he thought he was acting in the only way left open to him. He wasn't going to be deterred. He had problem solved all he was going to.

I think everyone knows full well what that message is about. It was carved into the only weapon he felt was going to be his answer. Unfortunately, the mentally challenged live in a very violent society that don't provide anything but violence and weapon availability as an answer. 

A man without a job is doomed anyway.