It's okay, John (pat on the head) we all understand hatred and the desire for WWIII when we see it. It's going to be okay.
My God, peace is about to break out and McCain can't handle it. "But, my defense contracts, my defense contracts, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no, no my defense contracts....."
Senator John McCain: Russians deserve better than Putin (click here)
When Pravda.ru editor, Dmitry Sudakov, offered to publish my commentary, he referred to me as "an active anti-Russian politician for many years." I'm sure that isn't the first time Russians have heard me characterized as their antagonist. Since my purpose here is to dispel falsehoods used by Russia's rulers to perpetuate their power and excuse their corruption, let me begin with that untruth. I am not anti-Russian. I am pro-Russian, more pro-Russian than the regime that misrules you today....
Oh, this is beautiful.
...They write laws to codify bigotry against people whose sexual orientation they condemn. They throw the members of a punk rock band in jail for the crime of being provocative and vulgar and for having the audacity to protest President Putin's rule....
This is so very perfect. The hypocrisy of the USA is only denied because it can drop bombs on every other nation if defied. I am not going to debate the merits of each case, because the point is the USA doesn't follow it's own rules and has no right to point a finger.
Sergei Magnistky wasn't a human rights activist. He was an accountant at a Moscow law firm. He was an ordinary Russian who did an extraordinary thing. He exposed one of the largest state thefts of private assets in Russian history. He cared about the rule of law and believed no one should be above it. For his beliefs and his courage, he was held in Butyrka prison without trial, where he was beaten, became ill and died....
And it is so much better in the USA where the 99% are pawns of Wall Street Capitalists. It depends on how one defines corruption. Crashing and trashing the Middle Class and the American Dream ain't any better.
...He has given you an economy that is based almost entirely on a few natural resources that will rise and fall with those commodities. Its riches will not last. And, while they do, they will be mostly in the possession of the corrupt and powerful few. Capital is fleeing Russia, which - lacking rule of law and a broad-based economy - is considered too risky for investment and entrepreneurism. He has given you a political system that is sustained by corruption and repression and isn't strong enough to tolerate dissent....
I am still looking for McCain's rebuttal of President Putin's position on Syria, not yet, still anticipating something genius and classified.
How has he strengthened Russia's international stature? By allying Russia with some of the world's most offensive and threatening tyrannies. By supporting a Syrian regime that is murdering tens of thousands of its own people to remain in power and by blocking the United Nations from even condemning its atrocities. By refusing to consider the massacre of innocents, the plight of millions of refugees, the growing prospect of a conflagration that engulfs other countries in its flames an appropriate subject for the world's attention. He is not enhancing Russia's global reputation....
Nope, nothing genus only more rhetoric. This is McCain calling the kettle black. It wasn't Russia that invaded Syria. It was the USA that illegally and immorally invaded Iraq. Russia is stepping in to prevent the same type of carnage experienced in Iraq from the nation of Syria. Hello?
Why do people like McCain get this confused about what world affairs is all about? Oh, yeah, the Superpower is the ONLY moral voice in the world. Russia is stepping in with Syria to prevent further instability in the Middle East. Oh, wait, least I forget American bombs solves everything. If the region becomes more unstable then there are always more American bombs and when that won't work there is the necessity to send in the troops.

John McCain's idea of 'self-governance' is anarchy at the end of a military style weapon. So, instead of the government having control, each citizen is suppose to be their own sheriff.
If McCain wants to make an argument to the Russian people, he really needs to clean up his act at home.