Thursday, April 19, 2012

Today is Romney-Care's Anniversary

Does anyone know who Mitt Romney is?

I don't.

I have never witnessed a Presidential candidate where there is no identifiable position when it comes to his career.  He has changed his view of the world more often then any nominee ever. He bought his nomination. It is indisputable. And yet there is dignity in that? Romney is not the conservative candidate the Republicans want and yet his ambitions won't let them find a candidate they can identify with like Santorum. Sincerely. 

Romney is a shape shifter. He has no foreign policy experience. He will be a nightmare with foreign policy. I can actually see him drawing his guns at every turn out of pure unadulterated fear of not knowing what to do and fearing to alienate his base for his next election.

I don't know how anyone can call him trustworthy.

I don't know why his opponents haven't pointed to the fact he is like Palin. When she was Governor she was a somewhat reasonable person, but, as soon as the Executive Branch was within reach no one recognized her. Romney was Governor for one term. He then set his sights in the Presidency and has been running for office ever since. As soon as the Executive Branch is within reach, no one recognizes him anymore.

1/20/2012 @ 4:32PM 

I have two young daughters. (click here) When they left Brazil in 2010, they had no U.S. health insurance. One has a mild case of childhood epilepsy. Lucky for my daughters, they live in Massachusetts.
The state’s  healthcare reform has no serious opposition. Individuals and businesses, by a large margin, agree that the program may not be perfect, but it has been successful as measured by the people, including many middle income families, who would not be able to afford health insurance otherwise....
Palin became a corporate executive after she ran for office, she was all about pulling strings for Republican elections and keeps a high profile on the Today Show now, so she can still effect elections.
I think of her and Romney the same way, as weather vanes, whichever way the wind blows. Let me that isn't true. Go ahead.

How can anyone state "Romney is a good man," if he can't even define who he is without changing his position 30 minutes later. He has no backbone, he portrays no strength and he seeks only political pandering as a definition to his Presidency. He is a mystery to everyone and is not qualified to lead this country.