Giffords previously raised two fingers with her left hand and gave a thumbs-up when responding to doctors' verbal commands.
Although her condition has remained virtually unchanged the past few days, doctors were hopeful.
``She has a 101 percent chance of surviving,'' said trauma chief Dr. Peter Rhee said. ``She will not die. She does not have that permission from me....
I don't make entries on this blog from a vacuum as some journalists might. I interact with other people, both conservative and liberal and everyone in between.
When the Right Wing reports on a story that 'taints' their image they always retreat into WHAT CAN BE PROVED as if that is the ONLY truth in the matter. And lie. Man, oh, man, do they lie. When they report on a story viewed to enhance their image there is all kinds of hubris stated.
Politics is a culture. It has depth and meaning beyond the simple facts. Politics measures the impact of events as well as acting on the facts. I am finding pure unadulterated denial as to the impact of POLITICAL SPEECH on the tensions of the country and the promotion of violence.
There are measurable standards of violence and its tolerance in the USA. Measurable. While there isn't documented proof of the violence surrounding this attempted assassination and murders, it is palpable in the society of the USA across all boundaries. It is completely remiss and irresponsible to go forward in proposing legislation and otherwise to completely ignore the SOCIAL TONE of Political Speech (including symbolism) surrounding these deaths and injuries and the injured. Negligent is to ignore the IMPACT of the cultural violence within the Right Wing of this country's political system.
When I 'measure' myself when I write in relation to the facts and how that PLAYS OUT in the real world cultures it is with the knowledge of how I view the world as compared to others. Nowhere in my interactions of the past two days has anyone stated to me this was a purely isolated incident, nor did they state it was NOT linked to the hatred, bigotry and violent culture of the Right Wing Political Party.
There are aspects of culture (human interaction) that aren't made of 'matter' and documented, but, are certainly in the 'firmament.'
Now, if the media wants to service the USA in a meaningful way they need to understand they are short changing the citizens by simply being a 'steering committee' to what can be proved from a legal point of view. See, that is why the human being citizens of the USA are grossly different than the CORPORATE SPEECH so widely valued by the Right Wing. Humans think and have emotions that bring a depth of understanding to their JUDGEMENTS in life. The brain is a biochemical organ and NOT a computer. It matters. Corporations are unable to emotionally react and only have policies, products and profit and loss. So, when it comes to meaningfully legislation; the changes that have to take place in the USA regarding guns and political speech; it better work and it better be comprehensive. I am 'flyin' tired of 'mind speak' to suit Wall Street while citizens fall by the wayside in bended knee to the corrupt Right Wing facilitated by an imtimidated and intimidating press.
And I don't care what the POLLS say. Keeping the citizens and their leadership safe is NOT a popularity vote !