Sunday, August 16, 2009

Maybe the American people really are as backward as the media believes they are. I have lost repect for the media services in the USA.

This weekend the new media has decided the National Health Insurance Bill is dead. They decided that President Obama no longer was standing firm on The Public Option and there would be no more change in the health insurance industry.

At the title to the entry is an article by CBS which seems the least offensive of the media services. Secretary Sebelius never stated there would not be a Public Option. She stated it is 'not the essential element.' She never stated it wasn't to be an element at all. The media is not trustworthy. They are more scared than the people of the country are and it shows.

They hear what they want to hear. They write what they want to write. They say what they want to say. I have said it over and over. The people of the country are so confused as to the truth regarding this bill there is no getting through that barrier. The media is responsible for a good part of that confusion. Darn shame.

Is that amazing or what?

I waited to see David Gregory with the assistance of Rachel Maddow set the record straight and he didn't. He screwed up worse than anyone in the business. Meet the Press will never be the same.

I thought Representative Rangel had a lot to say and his focus was never addressed by Gregory. Instead, Gregory was trying to get concessions to his point of view and that was that the health care debate was dead and the President was retreating.


President Obama trying to make a point at a town hall meeting (the last of the three) stated, "...with or without the Public Option there was still a lot to this bill. He stated, the Public Option was a small piece of the legislation."

Well. That is all the press needed to hear and they were off and running. It went like this, "Obama is conceding there is no public option that will be a part of the health insurance reform bill."

"W"rong !!!!!!! Everyone got it "W"rong. But, then I really thought media was interested in the truth, not the manipulation of the truth. I forgot they struggle with their own inability to achieve 'ratings' without highly exploitive behavior. There was not one media service yesterday or today that didn't fail at bringing the 'real' message to the American people. Not one. I've lost complete faith in them.

What President Obama was saying is that the Public Option is only a small piece of this legislation. He stated the words, 'with or without' as a point of discussion to the degree the public option was a piece of the legislation. He never, ever implied there would be no public option in the legislation. He was attempting to illustrate how 'over blown' the concern of that aspect of the legislation was being portrayed in the media and otherwise. He never stated he was waving a flag of surrender.

How come I know that and no one that is holding a microphone, or camera or pen and paper knows that? I have absolutely no faith in the media services of this country anymore. They are exploitive and want to cause harm to political careers even where there is nothing to cause harm. They absolutely hate President Obama and are attempting to drive him into oblivion. They don't belong anywhere near him, yet alone have the right to set in ink an analysis of something as complicated at The National Health Insurance/Health Reform Bill. Their grappling for power in a struggle against a great President is shameful.

With that said, I need to continue to review the bill that is tenatively written by the House of Representative.

There is one thing I believe about the health insurance/care legislation now being written by the House and Senate, and that it is vitally important to achieve a bill to protect the people of the USA. If one more year goes by there will never be legislation written and that would be tragic for this country. The media circus alone is doing incredible damage to a vital part of the American Landscape. We need health care legislation and we need it now. I do believe there are powerful people that want to stall this long enough to stop it. We must be doing something right.

It is almost an injustice to go through this bill page by page, line by line, because the beauty of it that there is considerable ground covered. There are rules about a Health Insurance Exchange, there are parts of the bill that address Medicare and Medicaid, Shared Responsibility with health insurance companies, improving health care value, reducing health disparity and on and on. How many people understand the 'idea' of 'reducing health disparity?' How much has that been in the media? Not at all.

Okay. Let's see if we can make sense of this vast bill. Not that we should, really. We elected people to office to work to protect the people of this nation, not to cower to their frenzied state of mind following eight years of an administration that never deserved trust.

continued in new entry.