Nothing short of scary.
This film delves into the 'values' affiliated with the illegal immigration of the Mexican-American border. It explores a reality yet to be realized in that people whom would risk their lives to cross the border to the USA engaged in risking their lives by becoming a cyborg to the American construction industry.
The characters all have interesting, but, desperate content to their personalities while exploiting the realities of cyborg opportunities for an income in a 'speciality city' in Mexico. They become 'equipped' with electronic enhancements to their neuro-muscular systems that literally could kill them if not exhaust them into submission for the lack of a vital economy in Mexico.
The 'back drop' to the movement of the characters to this particular fictious city in Mexico is the 'reality' of the very poor water quality and availability to the people of Mexico.
The film is exciting and action packed with political imagineering.
I liked this film as it gave permission for exploration into the pains of illegal immigration which will probably come to an end with the next USA Presidential elections and a change in policy with Mexico that faciliates its own economy while disabling it as a parasite to the USA.