The female plight of having, but, not owning a uterus. It 'examines' the reality of a country, namely Romania, and its lack of comprehensive support to women (click here).
This film was long overdue to be shown in the USA. It encompasses a 'revisit' to the nighmarish reality of women that are faced with lack of access to abortion. Increasingly in the USA, the political content of legalized abortion is shrinking to the point of enforcing 'back street' abortions once again. We have already witnessed women 'taking chances' with their lives in having the force of baseball bats leveled against already expectant bellies.
To that end, this film provides some of the most desperate of circumstances of women faced with few choices in birth control, while exploited for their sexual nature to a society that little values them otherwise.
Impoverishment of culture is the underlying content to this film. Where a society seeks richness in cultural content it extends its ability to support an economy that uplifts both genders and provides opportunity.
In a waning economic reality of the USA that permeates global dynamics one of the first places women will find suffering is their 'uterine' reality.
Women were born with a uterus, that does NOT entitle any society to 'trap' them into a reality of servitude to its potential.
This film is powerfully contented with completely disgusting potentials to a reality that at one time the USA left behind as a form of gender slavery.