Sabina Guzzanti comes of age. She is brilliant. She more than adequaitely has directed a film thick with satire that maps out the frustration of independent artists involved in political content.
This film supports Sabina's love of film and desire to express political content within that media.
She is an important player in Italy if there is ever to be a replacement of the corrupt conservative right wing of that government which dominates 'the day.' She brings a 'stage/platform' for change in Italy that is a gathering place for ideas.
This film illuminates her skills and intellect while scaldingly assigns satire to the purpose of media activism. The artists involved, as Michael Moore will well testify, suffer immeasurably for their loyalty to 'the cause.' That suffering is based in 'preceived' lack of success of their films to change its audiences' priorities in political venues toward the moral content of the documentary.
Artists, by nature, are fluid in their expression. Due to that fact, they use humor and satire to portray issues that otherwise go unnoticed. They are brave and undaunted in perfecting their craft and if this film says anything about Sabina's talent than let it be the reassurance that Italy has a magnificent director of material very similar to the documentary style of Moore.
This work of fiction must have been a relief for Sabina to express herself without championing a cause while still making strong political statements regarding 'the state of her craft' and her personal growth within it.
I congratulate her. This is a captivating film that leaves you concerned for her while realizing she, if not someone else, simply 'had to make this film.'