Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bigger, Stronger, Faster

Wicked co-dependency.
The film places into perspective the reality of anabolic steriods and the unfortunate relationship they have with the American male persona.
It profiles three brothers and their exposure to a male identity that should be shelved along with the morphing of GI Joe through the years.
The reality is that 'risk taking' with anabolic steriods is more demonized than reality. The dangers of 'using' are real, but, they are also in the minority of health concerns of American men and boys.
At the other end of 'using' are real rewards in that if 'you make it' there is wealth and financial security. It should be noted the success of such priorities in the USA only propagates the abuse of average people that are conceptualizing their own opportunity.
"Using" anabolic steriods surmounts to 'living a lie.' The realities of 'super-human' content exist through eugenics. The film also and appropriately so, examines this fact of life. In other words, if genetics can be captured by those that can afford it to harness economic success then why shouldn't those that can't afford it be excluded from that exclusive club? Anabolic steriods is the answer to 'average genetic content' in a world destined to win at all costs, including 'Speedo suits' that are either standard issue to all Olympic swimmers OR NOT !
The film was a real eye opener in that it revealed a reality not pursued by media that see opposition to anabolic steriod use as a political volley for Republicans and a distraction from illegal wars.
The moral content to this film was gratifying while it explored 'the truth' beyond a shadow of a doubt regarding anabolic steriods.
This film was no different at its conclusion than most of the others which provided access to the film makers and stars for Q and A sessions. It was interesting to say the least.