This was also a must see film for me. I passed up a 'to die for' film about Antarctica to specifically see this film. It answered a myriad of questions for me.
The most profound question it answered is why a government backed with enormous amounts of USA cash would result in a resurgence of Taliban that would propagate further war in Afghanistan.
The reality of 'the truth' regarding the role Pakistan plays in continued proliferation of terrorists and their networks, which twice attacked a Former Prime Minister and successfully killed her, is found in the destructuring of the former Pakistan government by the Musharraf coup.
His own words, coming from his own mouth during his interactions with the author to this film indicts him.
The film seeks the reasons why women are so victimized as political icons burdened with 'veils' as opposed to the reality that they long to live without them and the freedom that accompanies that. The author does not give the former Prime Minister Benazir a free pass either as she states, "...but, she wears one as well."
During the interview with Musharraf the 'organizational' level of the Pakistan government is revealed. Literally, Musharraf took an organized government and decentralized it to the tribal level while calling it 'Democracy.' It turned loose hugely varying philosophies and diatribes of authority rather than 'the rule of law.' It also explains why there have been attempts to assassinate him.
There is no relief for the Pakistani people from the anarchy Musharraf flourishes. And to think he wrote a book to entertain the American public with 'ideas' of his political justification; is to realize the isolation he literally has been able to secure for himself that protects him from the reality of 'The Pakistan Street.'
Perez Musharraf is a war lord and the monies paid to Pakistan by the Rumsfeld military strategy helped secure a dictator/general for Pakistan that has turned loose every available resource to facilitate terrorist havens.
Musharraf's 'definition' of DEMOCRACY is to provide 'local authority' with ultimate authority. There is no 'representative' government in Pakistan which is why it has been nearly impossible to hold elections within that country.
ANY ELECTION OTHER THAN PRESIDENT is completely meaningless unless you are tribal elder. There exists no 'rule of law' in Pakistan under Musharraf, but, only 'continued class struggles' at the local level which feeds local militias and nurtures global terrorists.
If it weren't for the generous words of criticism by Benazir Bhutto of Bush in regard to the Presidential elections in Pakistan, we would still be allowing the government of a war lord and coup leader to propagate terrorism. She was more than a friend to the USA, she was a pivotal ally.
The film is a charming inquistion into political dynamics that are boasted to by Musharraf whereby women are excluded in very real mechanisms to change in Pakistan.
The most impressive aspect to this film, other than the President indicting himself, is the discourse that occurs with a tribal conclave between elders and the author. It was a female risk to even confront the tribal conclave, yet alone succeed in disbanding it in disgust for its ridicule of female freedoms.
It is completely obvious how 'inherited' slavery exists in Pakistan and how 'sentencing' of enforcable rape takes place. The Pakistan tribal conclaves are based in vengeance and not in national laws enforced equitably by dedicated authority. It is more than possible the Taliban flourished in anarchy among these tribes and an even greater possiblity Bin Laden is among them.