Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Youngest Candidate

This is the film I longed to see from the first view of the festival catalog. I had no idea the director of the film was actually a Michael Moore prodigy.
The film followed the burgeoning careers of four political candidates that some would characterize as 'bearly out of diapers.'
I was completely 'about this concept'. The driving force behind the promotion of young candidates has several venues.
To begin, our political content in the USA has become 'Old World,' in that, it has also become corrupted. If there is one reality this film portrayed with each candiate is their commitment to wholesomeness of character while promoting their belief in 'truth in government and lack of corruption.'
These young people are exciting and full of potential. To that end, Mr. Pollock has not abandoned them to their inability to be elected 'in the first go round.' He is forming a non-profit group to support these young people and faciliate their priorities for government without thrusting their defeat into priorities of 'becoming part of the problem' in order to be elected.
This film has potential beyond its content. It has the promise of a return to government of, by and for the people. It 'sorta' is a film before its time, except, in the year 2008 we actually do have a "Candidate for Change."