Thursday, October 15, 2020

Third debate

Somehow SARS-CoV-2 has reached into the Harris campaign. To be absolutely confident in the candidates’ safety in the third presidential debate between Biden and Trump a virtual venue should be mandated. 

The Biden and Harris campaign need to reassess their safety regulations. No more contamination. Biden and Harris have been personally vigilant. No excuses for any staff member.

The offices, the cars and any other hardware must be terminally cleaned and the staff given physical exams and SARS-CoV-2 test for the Harris Campaign, No slip ups including the venues she enters. No conversations with random people. Tighten it up.


That historic building will have to be given a vacation between presidents. It needs to be cleaned with a mist of ingredients to permeate EVERY CRACK of which there are many. The White House may have to be freshly plastered and sparkled. Insect and any critter will have to be found, the nests cleaned out and given a new home far from Washington, DC. Seriously. They are vectors.

No leaf unturned. That includes outdoor venues. I think the Rose Garden should be ripped out by the roots and concrete removed to be on the safe side. It needs a historic return anyway.

Concrete is carbon. Questions?

The lawns will have to be treated before the Easter Bunny returns.