Saturday, November 07, 2015

When Republicans continue their rant and rhetoric about TransCanada, they are nothing but reckless with the future of our children.

Enbridge (click here) is a Canadian company that builds pipelines for petroleum products. TransCanada was their competitor. 

Currently, Enbridge has pipeline 9A preparing for tar sands oil. Their line 5 pipeline is the ancient junk at a very vulnerable part of the Great Lakes. Amazingly, no one can seem to shut it down because of political pressure to allow the oil to flow in an ancient pipeline.

There is something wrong with the world when Wall Street embraces profits at any cost, including the CHANCE, VERY GOOD CHANCE, Enbridge Pipeline 5 will destroy any hopes of an ecosystem in the five Great Lakes.

 Conservation is not an extremist profession. The Enbridge #5 has to be shut down and now. There is no reason for any of this. If the oil has to flow through that particular route, then replace infrastructure. There is on reason why the Great Lakes have to be sacrificed for oil company profits.

Canadians voted in Alberta to shut down the extremist practice of harvesting oil sands. The people of Canada want it to stop and so do the people of the USA. The Canadians have been in the fight for a very long time. It was about time the USA did the right thing.

Stopping the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline has cut down on the destruction of the Alberta tar sands. It has stopped the global shipment of the carbon intensive tar sands extraction to the entire world from the Gulf of Mexico.

Canadians are still acting to end the export of a dangerous form of oil. We need to stand with them. TransCanada is irrelevant. Enbridge is larger. (click here)

There was never any shortage of pipelines in North America. If anything there are too many. The Republicans in the USA were backing a crony in TransCanada. They were also backing a company that can't sustain a loss or support a clean up. Politics of energy is not a good idea, the Republicans made it political.

It was wrong to threaten Native American lands and an aquifer under several states in the USA. It was wrong to disregard endangered species. There is something very wrong with a value system that destroys and disregards the RIGHTFUL concerns of Native Americans, conservationists and the community of environmentalists. There is something very wrong with those wayward methods of profits and there was something wrong 60 years ago, too.

Enbridge Line 5 is an infrastructure issue. If they are going to use it then replace it. Replacing the infrastructure is the right thing to do and everyone knows it. No one wants to spend the money until it is too late and then the petroleum company bears the cost in the USA. Enough. Replace the infrastructure or shut it down