Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Another school shooting.

How does a junior high student carry a shotgun into the school? In a backpack? 

I was in Best Buy recently. Just looking around and I was astounded at the lack of choice of games for X-Box. They were all violent in content.

What ever happened Mario Brothers and the Princess?

Video games really need to be less 'life like' and insert an aspect to their programs that insure the consumer this is PRETEND, especially in the violent venue. The Gaming Industry are literally raising their consumers. The folks purchasing these games started out when they much younger with Mario Brothers and the Princess and have now graduated to sincere violence. These consumers have always been gamers since they were young.

As these consumers grew out of their childhood programs the Gaming Industry grew with them. Nothing like playing GI Joe as an adult in a faux venue that mimics life while waving Mario good-bye.

Jan. 13, 2014

Microsoft created a Black Swan moment in its new, (click here) somewhat scary Xbox One ad, which follows a man who is so immersed in his gaming experience that he can no longer tell if the injuries he receives in the game are real or fake. ”If it were any more real, it would be real,” the spot’s tagline reads....