He states, "Is it unusual to have tornadoes in January? No. We had tornadoes in January last year."
Chad Myers knows nothing about climate. Climate is measured in decades, centuries and millenia. Myers is engage in answering questions he is not qualified to answer, evidently. One year does not a climate make and the question about strange tornadoes in January is a climate question and not a hand holding issue.
You want to play games Mr. Myers, I have one for you. Explain how there was such drastic changes in temperature in 24 hours that lead to the destructive tornadoes.
Hint: It has nothing to do with an arctic blast that enter the region. The arctic air was already there long before 24 hours ago.
Myers. You are a fraud.
There needs to be national announcements with the events explaining why this is the Climate Crisis. It won't stop the fraud in the media, but, it will provide an official statement about climate that cannot be disputed. I don't care what agency does it, NOAA, National Hurricane Center, whatever, but, it needs to be done.