Friday, May 04, 2012

The Navy Seals involved with any raid would never defame the President that chose that course.

This is a cheap political shot.

"...a grassroots action organization (click here) committed to ensuring that America remains a strong nation by advancing liberty, safeguarding freedom and opposing tyranny."

I really don't want to address this because it involves the bravest and more dedicated people in our military. I find it reprehensible they are taken out of context for this propaganda film.

The context is not even correct, there was no issue that involved water or boats. It is an insult and an overt attempt to bring the 'swift boat' to bear.

President Obama was and should be proud of his decision. It was not an easy one to make. He believed in our military to successfully achieve the end the life of the mastermind of the attacks of September 11, 2001. I am happy a President was proud of his call. It is the way it should be and for anyone in the USA to try to defame that moment is completely "W"rong.

I really believe this act of bravery on the part of our military, which includes the President, should receive attention at the DNC National Convention. They never paused. The President, the Navy Seals, the Commanders, the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs. They never paused. They agreed this was a priority for our military and they succeeded. It would not have had happened if President Obama didn't 'put it on the line.' Believing in our military and its competence is vital and a Commander and Chief believed.