Saturday, May 08, 2010

(Economic) Restraint of last two years should continue in tough times. (Jan 2009)

The Republican Rhetoric doesn't make sense based on past performance of the Bush/Cheney economy.

So, let's start there.

What bothers me about any of these dynamics is that there is an entire news network dedicated to electing into office 'the Republican' no matter the costs to the country.

The Bush Years consisted of a faux economy accompanied by two wars of which one had no legitimacy.

We know for a fact the years of the GOP outlined here was due to chronic funding of the economy by the USA Treasury.  

This was the report by the Federal Reserve Board regarding 2007.  This was the year before the national elections and it preceded the global economic collapse of 2008.  Yet, nothing was done with this information as the election would overshadow any prudent decision making regarding the obviously impending collapse.  And Sarah?  She didn't have a clue.

...The financial turmoil did not appear to leave much of a mark on overall economic activity in the third quarter. Real GDP rose at an annual rate of nearly 5 percent, as solid gains in consumer spending, business investment, and exports more than offset the continuing drag from residential investment. In the fourth quarter, however, economic activity decelerated significantly, and the economy seems to have entered 2008 with little forward momentum....

...In the labor market, private hiring slowed sharply in late 2007 and January 2008. The increase in the price index for total personal consumption expenditures (PCE) picked up to 3-1/2 percent in 2007 as a result of sizable increases in food and energy prices. Core PCE inflation, though uneven over the course of the year, averaged a bit more than 2 percent during 2007 as a whole, a little less than the increase posted in 2006....

What does all that mean?  It means the purchasing power of the USA Dollar was waning as the economy became weaker and weaker.  Even in the year 2007 and into early 2008 it was known that the economy was tanking, yet, no one did a thing.
Does anyone besides me see the danger in a government based in rhetoric for the purpose of controlling the outcome to elections?  

The rhetoric at the time was that the Republicans brought 7 years of incredible growth to the USA.  Seven years of huge government spending accompanied by national security issues, "W"rongful wars and increasing USA debt.  And where was that debt financed under Bush/Cheney?  But, yet, they claim they are patriotic Americans right up to the point where they sell the 'credit rating' of the USA to the highest foreign bidder.

Anyone ever hear of US Treasury Bills or US Savings Bonds?  Anyone?  Maybe those Day Traders?

Treasury Direct