Thursday, August 13, 2009

Shutdown FOX - their coverage is toxic to the best outcome for Americans.

Kindly thank all the companies that upheld the integrity of our President. I thank them. It is nice to have companies sensitive to issues without asking. Nice.

SCJohnson (click here)

Progressive Insurance (click here)

Proctor & Gamble (click here)

Lexis Nexis (click here)

Geico (click here)

Fox News' "Glenn Beck" loses advertisers (click title to entry - thank you)
Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:00pm EDT

By Kenneth Hein
NEW YORK (Nielsen Business Media) - Some of the nation's biggest advertisers are distancing themselves from Fox News host Glenn Beck after he called President Obama a racist during a July 28 broadcast.
Geico has pulled its ads from Fox News Channel's "The Glenn Beck Program.", which is owned by LexisNexis, also has vowed not to advertise during the program, according to Color of Change, an African-American online political organization that has been urging advertisers to stop supporting the show.
Additionally, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance and SC Johnson all said their ad placements during the broadcast were made in error and that they would correct the mistake.
The controversy stems from Beck's comment that President Obama is a "racist" with "a deep-seated hatred for white people."
Geico spent more than a half-billion dollars on ads last year, according to the Nielsen Co. It spent more than a quarter-billion dollars in the first half of 2009....