Monday, July 13, 2009

Okay, so let's see if I get this right. As Vice President, I preceive the President as a threat and plan his assassination with taxpayers time...

...and money, but, since I never carried it out, the point of breaking the law is mute. Is that what the media is trying to say now?

So, anything, Dickey wanted to toy with as official business, was okay? Really?

It is called abuse of power. And who is to say Dickey would decide an American citizen was an al Qaeda leader and send out the goon squad? Huh? Answer me that. Because we have already had innocent people sent on Renditions. Answer? No one?

Cheney's SS (Schutzstaffel) in training.

Cheney “Assassination Unit” Still Active Under Obama, Including Domestically (click here)
Joint Special Operations Command comprises Delta Force personnel that have killed U.S. citizens and acted in support of Obama’s expanded war in Pakistan
Paul Joseph Watson
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Revelations that a political assassination unit which reported solely to Dick Cheney was in operation during the Bush administration are absent the fact that the unit in question, the Joint Special Operations Command, has been active for decades, has been deployed domestically in the U.S., has killed U.S. citizens, and is an integral part of Barack Obama’s expanded wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan....

See, Richard Cheney didn't care about the law, he cared about power. He abused the power of his office regularly for the sake of 'expanding' the authority of the Vice Presidency.

The US and International Policy regarding assassination of foreign leaders is very clear. It is a crime. Whether or not terrorist network leaders are 'foreign leaders' isn't really debatable. They are not leaders of sovereign nations, however, the arguments hold up when 'breaching' the fact that ASSASSINATION alone carried out by a sovereign power weakens the International laws that make it a crime. (click here)

...One Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee said CIA Director Leon Panetta (click title to entry - thank you) told them that former Vice President Dick Cheney ordered the program be kept secret and that CIA directors agreed, placing Cheney squarely at the center of the controversy.
"He was told the vice president had ordered that the program not be briefed to the Congress," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. "I think that is a problem, obviously."...

Richard Cheney and George Bush CHRONICALLY lied about their activities in the White House including wireless wire taps and the PRIVATE companies that were forced into servitude during their years in the White House. Richard Cheney breached his authority within the Vice Presidency all the time, including the outing of a CIA agent for a personal AND political vendetta after her spouse wrote an editorial in the Op-Ed section of The New York Times.

Hey, there ya go. Maybe Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson were al Qaeda leaders and we just didn't know it ! What do you think, huh?

Then again, I always thought Judith Miller was al Aqeda. After all she hung Libby out to dry !