Musharraf has canceled his travels to the China Olympic Games where he would meet with Bush because of his fears of impeachment.
No doubt, more judicial appointees will be replaced and a 'State of Emergency' will ensue once again.
Musharraf cancels China visit amid impeachment rumours (click here)
Islamabad - Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf on Wednesday called off his visit to China, hours before his departure, as the possibility of his impeachment brewed amid crucial meetings of the country's ruling coalition.
Musharraf was scheduled to leave for China in the afternoon to attend Friday's opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics and meet Chinese leaders, including Prime Minister Hu Jintao.
"President Musharraf's visit now stands cancelled and the organizers have been informed about the development," Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Sadiq said.
Musharraf's abrupt decision was preceded by a marathon meeting overnight between the two main partners in the ruling coalition....
U.S. lawmaker urges India nuclear deal be delayed (click here)
Wed Aug 6, 2008 11:39pm BST
By Susan Cornwell
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee has urged the Bush administration to shelve a nuclear trade deal with India unless it can guarantee compliance with a U.S. law that would suspend trade if India tested a nuclear weapon again.
In a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, California Rep. Howard Berman, a Democrat, said it would be better to suspend congressional approval of the deal until the next Congress which convenes in January 2009.
"Given the lateness in the congressional session, it would be better to review these complex matters in the next Congress when they can receive a full and serious examination," Berman, a California Democrat said....
THIS IS ABOUT NUCLEAR ESCALATION. Either the USA believes in the Non-Proliferation Treaty while engaging in diplomatic channels to achieve reductions in nuclear dangers or they don't. The Candidates are very clear about this treaty. Obama wants a return to diplomatic strength in solving the issues of nuclear dangers while Bush simply gave free reign to fear mongering and proliferation.
The issue of 'using' India to secure some kind of odd leverage over China is hideous. The relations between China and India have never been better.
The policies of Republicans are NOT prudent when it comes to National Security.
They are 'rush to war,' 'rush to decision' and 'get away with crime' that later can be legislated as legitimate.
We have witnessed Republican exploitation of the USA in the housing market only to have the Fed and USA Treasury attempt to legitimatize dumping funds into a market place that is grossly oversaturated with building startups and undermining financial venues.
We have witnessed exploitation of privacy rights of Americans leading to Republican 'CYA' when it came to illegal wiretaps.
This is more than a trend by the Republicans, it is revealing a grossly 'UNKNOWN' agenda of political power that later seeks legitimate venues when power can be leveraged against the best interests of the American people.
How can any American 'trust' Republicans, when overt proof of their criminality exists, in elections when they seek undisclosed agendas that undermine the American Middle Class and cast the USA into self-perpetuating war?
The war in Afghanistan still awaits conclusion due to a faux agenda of Bush/Cheney after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. That was seven years ago. The terrorists that have perpetrated the attacks on the USA, hence, facilitating the 'lies that lead' to an Iraq invasion are still at large. That is a failure of the American people to protect their own best interests while propagating the interests of global terrorists. Allies are risk this election season if the American people cannot properly prioritize their best interests.