Tuesday, May 24, 2005

May 22, 2005. This is an actual photo of a cloud near Louisville, Kentucky. The photographer stated he thought it tempting to fly into this Tunnel Cloud. I personally advise against it. I understand the curiosity but there is needed a fairly sophisticated understanding of an anomally like this before the untrained weather pilot flies into it. I would think a venture like that would require some experience not short of that of hurricane pilots that fly into the 'eye' of a hurricane. Now, to 'guesstimate' the etiology of this cloud is to realize a short time ago I witnessed a 'Tropospheric Tornado' offshore East Coast USA. This anomally occurred in a growing velocity that was experienced on the near shore as a strong rain and wind event. We experienced the anomally in Wilmington, North Carolina as we watched the offshore system build on a satellite. This cloud system questionably has an internal rotation that maintains it's shape. It appears to be dense and cohesive. It is a fascinating FIND and I congratulate the photographer but reserve the right to state that caution needs to be exercised to any anomally noted in this highly reactive Climate Change skies. Fascinating Find. Posted by Hello